
Is this a question? Why do we as Americans allow the current administration to violate the Bill of Rights?

by Guest65015  |  earlier

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Yahoo says it is neither a question or an answer and deleted it. Looks like a question to me!




  1. We all just care about   our own little world

  2. Looks like one to me. Although I would have to say that the current adminastration has not done such a thing.

  3. Why not, us "sheeple" allowed every other adminstration for the last 20+ plus years violate the bill of rights and eat away at our Constitution. Some of you won't like the term "sheeple" but thats exactly what most of us are. We are being led right into slavery and to many people are ignorant of the facts slapping them in the face, or to drunk to notice, or complain about it here instead of actually getting out there and doing something about it. We deserve the fate we have allowed.

  4. Why don't you start off with some specific examples where an identifiable person had their civil rights violated.

    Otherwise your 'question' would appear to be little more than hot air.

  5. You are correct in your views, why is the government is too big and the population are myrmidons.

  6. People are largely ignorant. They don't even realize the magnitude of something like this so you can't expect most to be outraged. I'm with you though.

  7. It doesn't look like a very intelligent question.  Maybe that's what they were talking about.  It would be better if you demonstrated how the current administration violates the bill of rights to support your argument.  Otherwise, all you are doing is trying to inflame the Bush-bashing masses without supportable substance and that would be the type of question that Y/A considers as Troll behavior.

  8. 1)Yes it is

    2)the reason is GOP!

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