
Is this a quirk or a disorder?

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For anyone who knows a decent amount about psychology/mental health.

If someone laughs, I think they're laughing about me. I think about it for a long time afterwards.

Get the feeling people are staring at me.

I basically avoid relationships, but I do have 2 friends from kindergarten. Much older now.

I think it makes my day better if I do something a certain way. Like karma. As if the ways I do things affect the outcome of the day.

Is this a specific disorder or just a quirk?




  1. It's paranoia. Thinking that people are staring at you or laughing at you and you think about it constantly may mean that you're paranoid or insecure.

    Avoiding relationships and liking a pattern and a way of doing things makes you feel safe. It makes you feel like if you stick to your pattern, if you continue doing things in a way that works for you then nothing could really go wrong for you and you'd have a good day just as long as things go according to plan.

    It's not really a disorder, nor is it really a quirk.  

  2. I actually suffer from severe PPD or Paranoid Personality Disorder, to the point where talking on the phone or going out into a public area may set off a panic attack. I'm a Psychology student myself, but your symptoms remind me of PPD to some extent.

    The laughing scenario will only happen when I walk BY certain people at the time of their laughter. That will set off my anxiety, but just listening to people laugh probably wouldn't do it all the time.

    If you're unsure, you can speak to a professional about it, and see if you can get a diagnosis (if you have one at all).

    Personally, the quirk wouldn't be this severe... But I can certainly relate, what with having P.P.D, as well as O.C.D. Fun stuff, eh? I must be in terrific social shape! Lol.

    Good luck. ;]

  3. I took one course in psychology a long time ago, but from what your saying it seems like your'e a bit paranoid, and maybe have some sort of compulsive behavior patterns. I don't know. It doesn't seem like a quirk, its definitely some sort of psychological problem. Maybe not very serious, but a problem none the less. But hey, what do I know. Just sharing my humble opinion.

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