
Is this a racist belief?

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I believe that all serious terrorist groups that have attacked or will attack a western power are Islamic-based

however, i do not believe the opposite is true (not all, in fact a negligible percentage of islamic people, are terrorists)

is this a racist belief?




  1. Yes.

  2. wrong.....remember the oklahoma city bombing wasdone by a white person and prior to 9/11 that was the worst terrorist attack on American soil.

  3. not racist... more like a crystal clear conscious despite the horrible things that the west is doing to the middle east.  

    self-serving interest of west in opressing islamic countries because they happen to sit on the worlds largest oil reserves is equally as bad.

    profit terrorism("freedumb", liberation") vs. jihad terrorism(fighting back)

    no different...

  4. I dunno if I would necessarily call that 'racist'.  But, it's certainly erroneous and biased thinking.  

    Terrorists come in all colors, nationalities and religions.  Also, keep in mind that perspective and point of view is important to note.  Some call them terrorists, some call them crusaders.  It's all in whether or not you believe in their cause.  

  5. No.

    Because in the first instance it is not about race, but about culture and more specifically, a religion practiced by people of various ethnicities and who speak various languages.

    That should be a no-brainer.

    However, I do not think that it is a belief that can be supported by historical fact or logic, its more a matter of historical accident that the most notable recent terrorist attacks were made by people who, perhaps because of their oppressive governments at home, used the one thing that their governments could not touch, the Muslim faith, as a part of their recruitment and motivation.

  6. Yes. While many of them are in fact Islamic, there are many other countries and religions with their own deadly extremists.  

  7. It's a false belief.  Look at the IRA.  Look at ETA.  They're not Islamic.

  8. Its hard to say, I like arabs ppl and islam but my bf hate arabs and I really do know what should I answer you. =(

  9. It is your opinion. I don't think it is racist unless you hate all muslims and treat all of them the same. But, terrorist can be found in all nationalities. I believe that they have a stronger faith than some religious groups and they die for there cause. If only we had as much faith in our God.

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