
Is this a rare coin?

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Is this a rare coin?

I have a 1943 Lincoln penny (copper).

My friend said it might be rare. Is this true and if so how much is it worth?

I'm crossing my fingers for a couple hundreds, but even 50 bucks would be pretty nice.

it has the old fashioned "one cent" wording on the back.




  1. It is rare if it is the real thing.  There were not many copper pennies minted in 1943, most of the pennies from that year were made of steel.  There are many steel pennies that have been copper coated so the first thing to do is see if it's attracted to a magnet, if it is then you know it's a steel penny that's copper coated.  If it is really copper you should take it to a coin dealer to make sure it isn't a replica or fake.

    Just FYI, I saw a 1943 copper penny selling on ebay a couple of years ago in near mint condition that was selling for $120,000 so if yours is real and in good condition it is worth a lot.

  2. If it is truly a 1943, and is not an altered 1948, then see if it is magnetic. If it sticks to the magnet, it's a regular steel one, which are actually quite common.

    I have heard of some people putting a very thin coat of copper over regular steel 1943's to try to trick people. As well as scraping away some of the number 8 of a 1948 to make it look like a number 3.

  3. The incredibly valuable 1943 copper penny is from one of the mints (none were made except the proofs to set the press's so those are worth a fortune$10,000's)prior to minting the "STEEL" pennies(they are a zinc alloy) however the other mints made copper alloy pennies which arent all that uncommon,check a decent numistimatic guide for a current value, or you can research them on ebay by looking at what others are bringing,back a few years ago lots of pennies were faked to look like the rare 1943 date ones also.

  4. Take it to a reputable dealer. It depends on the condition of the coin and many other variables. They can't tell you without seeing it.

  5. If you have a genuine 1943 copper penny then it is worth ALOT.

    Look here for more information:

    But it is best to have it examined by a professional to make sure it is genuine!

  6. That is a rare coin since during that time all copper was made into bullets for the soldiers in World War 2. I say it would fetch possibly $1500.
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