
Is this a real rule in pool?

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My friend claims that when you play pool (billards), that when the cue ball is right up next to a side rail, that you can move it a little bit so it isn't close to the rail. Is this a real rule, or just something he made up to help him win?




  1. no it's real

  2. i think your friend is thinking of mini-golf?

  3. SUCKER!...."there is one born every minute"...ever heard that one.....this is call a "hustle" in my books...especially with you not knowing the rules....hopefully you were not playing for money and you learned "cheaply" from this mistake......if you are going to play my game.....learn the rules.......always remember in pool especially when playing for money......"beware of alligator bearing fruit"......or "if its too good to me true it probably isn't"......see ya "Sucker"

  4. he made it up.

  5. There is no rule like that.  He is cheating.

  6. No, you are not allowed to move the cue ball at all unless the other player scratches (white ball/cue ball goes into the pocket) then the other player can move it behind the line in the kitchen (one side of table where u start).  tell  your friend he is ful of s   t and stop cheating.  Hope this helps.

  7. i heard that 2

  8. that crock the cue moves it counts

  9. I wish it was,but no it's not a real rule in tournament play.

  10. Go smack him for saying that

  11. Depends.. that's a common "house rule" that both parties have to agree on

  12. definitely something he made up!

  13. it is not an offically accepted rule, and it actually states that you are able to use the rubber end (the fatter one) of your cue-stick as a spacer if the cueball is in direct contact with the bumper.

  14. this is not a real rule... it was definitely made up...

  15. Maybe or NOt

  16. it isnt an official 'rule' but it is a common house rule. usually it is a thumb's space in between ball and rail. others use the end of the cue stick. but if its your table..your rules...hope this helps!

  17. That's bull... and he's been taking your money by cheating this way ... kick his butt, and take it all back ..

  18. i agree with jacob r official rules state if you move the ball in any manner with out hitting the object ball that is a foul but for amatuers this can be agreed upone to help them out

  19. he made that up. If the ball is against the rail you have to play it from there

  20. I was always told that was a real rule. At least I hope it is cause my pool game sucks anyways...

  21. Hmm, I will say that is made up...but not sure.  I know there are situations where you can move the ball, but that usually follows a foul. (like a scratch).  As far as I know though pool is a "play it where it lies" kinda game.  Heck, that is the strategy of some players is to put the cue in places where the other play cannot take a shot so they can try to get get "ball in hand".

  22. Hey watch this guy he might cheat at other things too.

  23. never heard of that one

  24. Billiards is played on a table with no pockets and 3 ball (2 whites and 1 red) Billiards is not Pool. Pool is called pocket billiards then there is snooker.  

    Neither in Billiards, pocket billiards, or snooker are you allowed to move the Que ball if it is frozen to a rail (unless in pool after a foul and only in certain games like 9 ball, ball in hand).

    That's according to official rules.

    Some house rules may allow such foolishness. Obviously a house where people cannot play. (Your friend was conning you or trying to)

    Any good Billiards, pool, or snooker player can make a shot where the Que ball is frozen the the rail  Sure its a harder shot.

    But that's the way the ball bounces!

    Take it from a champion pool player your friend just made up this rule!!!! He should take a cue stick up his **** for such a blatant lie.

    Master Quark

  25. you should not move the ball unless it is touching th eside walls you can move the ball but only so it is no longer leaning on the wall.

  26. He fabricated it.  I've played in both the major leagues in the US ( APA and BCA ) and neither has this rule.  Perhaps a house rule.

  27. He probably didn't make it up, but it is definetely NOT a real pool rool.  Its one of those unofficial rules that some people play by.  For example a lot of people play that if you scratch on the break its a loss, but it is not (unless you make the eight ball also).  But the only time I have seen that rule played is with kids.

  28. NO

  29. Yes, there is, we called it girls rules here in Aust. Because the pub cue ball being smaller and when it gets right up against the cushion it very hard to hit, so they move it a little away off the cushion As appose to it being in the rule book the answer is no.

  30. Definitely not a real rule, though anyone could make it a house rule.

    Personally, I'd never do it

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