
Is this a realistic goal? I am looking to make money on the side.?

by Guest67077  |  earlier

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Okay, so I really want to start making a little money because my husband is doing it all himself, and we really do not have much left over each month with just him working. I am still in school, so having an everyday job just is not in the picture right now because I really want to keep my priorities in line. Anyway, I really think that it would be a lot of fun to sell for Lia Sophia. I plan on doing at least 2 shows per week...hopefully, and making at least 800.00 per month with that. I also plan on working for this company I found here in Florida called Safety Technology that sells stuff like pepper spray, stun guns, hidden cameras, small flashlights...etc. I would like to do at least one show for them per week at least, and try to make at least around 400 per month from them. So, basically minimum..I would like to bring in at least 1200 dollars a month, but I prefer somewhere around 1500-1800 a month. Do you think this is possible or am I just dreaming? I am a military wife also.




  1. I think you are grossly overestimating how much you will sell.  Also, If you can spend that much time holding parties, why can't you spend that time on a job that actually pays you an hourly rate - for sure.

  2. I do online surveys to make extra money. I work with online best surveys/ Best surveys on the net.

    All I do is just sit in front of my computer, work only when I want, and I get paid for my opinion.

    The online companies pay me from $5 to $125 for each survey and it's really easy to do.

    Good luck to you

    I am a military wife also, husband has been in the army for 13 years.

  3. Go for it!!! Never sell yourself short. Keep up the great attitude i see in your question. You seem like you have a great head on your shoulders. Good luck and have patience! let us know how things go!!

  4. Hi sugar,

    You have a great goal.  One that many have and one that the internet is allowing for the possibility.  With the amount of money that you want to make if you take a look at these opportunities they just might match your need.  I really like them because we can do just a few hours of work everyday and then let the system do the rest of the work.  Our system really does do the explaining.  or   You may find one a better fit for you than the other.  We have many in our business in the same boat as you!  Good luck!

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