
Is this a reaqson against adoption or for some kind of open adoption?

by  |  earlier

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"Recently in England, twins adopted and separated at birth met, fell in love and married." -

This site was posted for another question but this sentence stood out to me. Do you think they married intentionally knowing they were brother and sister so they could sue the government? Or do you think this was an actual "oops"? My original question was to get your attention. I dont really think that this one case should be a reason to quit the adoption processes all together... Maybe a case to show why some form of open (or slightly ajar) adoptions are neccessary.




  1. The U.K. has open records.

  2. This case highlights the reason why adoptees should have access to our records, for sure.  Obviously these two in England have their rights, and could have searched their records and found out they were related...but what of the millions of adoptees in the US who don't even have that luxury?  What of us?  

    What of the thousands...if not millions of donor conceived children who, upon reaching adulthood, have no idea if they could be meeting and dating, or eventually marrying a half-sibling?  These donors could have literally up to a hundred or more children out there it IS quite possible.

    We NEED to start being open and honest and allowing adoptees, donor conceived adults, etc. know who their biological parents are.  This is about basic human dignity.

  3. This is such an astronimically unlikely event that it probably has never happened before, and probably will never happen again.  If we are going to use these unlikely events as evidence, then we need to restrict sperm and egg donors as well.

  4. No, I don't think these adoptees were scamming anyone--it was actually the other way around.

    Here's what happened to them:

    There are more articles about this here:

  5. I don't think they even had a clue.

    I think they were naturally drawn to each other as twins are, and felt a natural pull toward each other, but not knowing it was brotherly/sisterly love, took it as romantic love.

    It's really sad, can you imagine how heartbreaking, yet how awesome at the same time!

    (loose your spouse but gain a sibling)

    Plus since the romantic love was there, it will be really hard for them to keep from looking at each other in a romantic way.

  6. Whatever the facts of this particular case, genetic sexual attraction is a real, well-documented phenomenon--and is yet another splendid reason for open records.

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