
Is this a romantic thing to do?

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So... i asked my friend to go watch the sunset with me tonight on top of the levee. it over looks a vineyard and its the perfect place i think to watch the sunset behind the moutains. When we first started talking she always talked about how guys never took her anywhere to do something sweet and romantic. She thinks i just want to get in her pants, which i have told her so many times thats not why i like her.

so is watching the sunset on top of a levee over looking a vineyard a romantic thing to do? she made up an excuse which isnt surprising bc she flakes out alot. but im just curious.




  1. yes it is

  2. I think that is so romantic, I'm a Pisces and is a very touchy feeler romantic sensitive person.  Maybe she is just afraid of what she really wants and doesn't want to face that.  It sounds to me like deep inside she wants to watch that sunset with you but maybe she is afraid of getting close to you.  I'm just guessing that maybe you two are close friends may have known each other for a while and she probably is scared of losing you or getting hurt by you then losing you as that friend she could come and talk to.  Just give it time and maybe start of a little smaller than that then work your way up to that beautiful sunset over the vineyards that sets behind the mountains.  Man i wish every guy thought like you, she is a very lucky woman.  

  3. It's very romantic actually. Tell her to just go on this one date with you. To make it fun, make her a deal if she doesn't like it hanging out with you ot the levee, doesn't think it is romantic and is 100% sure that you want to get in her pants. Tell her you will leave her alone. If she thinks its romantic, likes hanging out with you, and doesn't think you want to get in her pants than she has to go on another date with you. If you don't want to do that! Than reassure her that you are one of the good guys that is so rare in the world, than tell her how much you love her personality and you want to treat her like she deserves to be treated. Like the beautiful intelligent woman you know she is. To do a combination of the two, tell her how amazing she is than joke around with her and make the deal.

    Good Luck, Good Guy!!

  4. Yes it is romatic, but she will still think you want in her pants..And if you don't, something is wrong with you

  5. aww! yea that is really romantic! Give her time and show her that you are not interested in "getting in her pants." She probably thinks all guys are the same. Prove her wrong!

  6. wow thts super romantic!!

    shes one lucky girl!!

    good luck =]

  7. its a very cute idea!!!

    a girls dream:)

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