
Is this a sad truth about cats?

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Being a teacher, I asked my students to write about 3 things they like, and 3 they don't (it could be anything) To my surprise more than half the group wrote they did NOT like cats. What do you guys make of this? Do most people you know dislike cats as well? I love cats, and I guess most of us in this forum do too. Is this a sad truth about cats? Share your opinions, please.




  1. Well, Yes I do like cats. Most people, I think like dogs. However,  I am of a mixed race African American and Caucasian and I have noticed that for the most part my AA side did not like cats at all. And my Caucasian side some did! I think it just depends on if you were raised around animal and taught to care and love them or not. We are living in a ME,ME ME, society and we don't even have any compassion for any other living things or even children! are not treated well... SAD! SAD!

  2. It has been my observation that there are cat people and dog people, and they do not often overlap.  I happen to be one of those that do, but it isn't common.  

    It's my belief the chief difference is that the secure love cats, and the less confident tend to prefer dogs.  Cats are so tremendously autonomous that many people find them intimidating, whereas dogs tend to just go along with anything that suits you.  Much less challenging to have a canine dogging your steps than to have a cat critiquing them--they may not be, but it often looks like they are.

    Also, many people read their lithe and muscular grace as sneaky, which I guess it is, sort of, when they're hunting.  And their independence is kind of daunting, though I find it infinitely preferable to the slavish devotion of the canine.  You can't just ignore a dog, whereas a cat is just fine if you don't want to fuss over it.  Once you convince it you truly aren't interested in whatever it is they want you to do.  Course, they expect the same consideration, but that's only fair.  It does no noticeable damage to the cat's psyche, whereas that cannot even be hinted to be true in the case of the dog.

    I love them both, but definitely like cats the more.

  3. Could just be your area of the least we don't have to walk them like dogs

  4. cats are great! Your students might not like them for there instincts to kill things or them scratching. But cats are really good pets!

  5. I love cats, but many people have the wrong idea. People think cats will give you toxoplasmosis, and are dangerous to pregnant women. People also think cats are not loyal, and so on and so forth. But I love cats. (I have 10)



    (") (")

  6. How old are they and how many of the ones who cats are boys and girls?

  7. Well, there definitely are people who don't like cats.  But my guess is this happened because kids sometimes copy each other or some of the kids had been talking about cats earlier in the day.  It seems pretty interesting that half the students would mention something that random.  

  8. i love cats!! my sister loves cats, however, not everyone loves or even likes cats...i dont understand it either the fact puzzles me that anyone could NOT love them

  9. It could be the area you live in. I find that people who live in the rural areas tend to think of cats as a nuisance probably because they are not

    neutered or spayed and therefore reproduce at a great rate. Whereas

    dogs are looked upon as working animals. Also in rural areas men tend to have dogs and it is considered to be a 'more manly' pet to

    have than a cat which is considered effeminate. I don't think you would get that ratio in an urban area. Most of the people I know in fact I would say all of the people I know like dogs and cats. I have an aunt that is deathly afraid of cats which makes it difficult when she comes to visit as I have six of them. She is so frightened that she literally will draw her legs up to her chest while sitting to avoid one of them touching her. Another person I know who is from India is terrified when a cat looks at her because she thinks that a cat staring at her will bring evil to her and her household. Takes all kinds I guess

  10. yea, im for sure not a cat lover.

    i think its because of the steriotype they have of being sneaky, never around, they scratch everything, you cant cuddle with them, or take them for walks etc.

    im sure not all cats are completly like this. and i love kittens. but i think some of them simply cant be trusted.

  11. Sounds weird, I love cats and the people i know has no problem with cats.

  12. when i was teaching many years ago, a stray cat showed up at the school and since i love cats i ended up with her in my room, i was teaching behavior disordered kids, almost every one of my kids were scared of the cat, these were 7th-8th graders.they told me all kinds of things they had been told about cats. by the end of the day they had begun to really like her and wanted her to stay, especially when she tried to catch the fish in the fish tank. most had never even petted a cat before.I had her for many years and my students always asked how she was doing.

  13. I'm not surprised. After all, most of the kids today are stupid, overweight, have no manners and are unsociable.

    Researchers have studied why some people hate cats and it has been linked to violent behavior. Many mass murders had a hatred for cats. So did Hitler.

    So, no, it's not a sad truth about cats, it's a sad truth about our youth.

  14. I've found that young girls tend to like dogs more than they do cats for some reason. I know that overall people are about evenly split between cats and dogs.

  15. i like cats better than dogs but most people i know like dogs better...weirdos lol

  16. I LOVE cats.   My husband and I have four of them.  However, I could see how they have a bad rep.  Some people think they stink.  Some people think they are aloof.  The fact they don't like to learn tricks like dogs might make them less appealing to some people  But I think they rock.

  17. I know that I always had believed that I was a firm 'dog person' until I got my baby two years ago. I now have two cats and couldn't live without them. I do have a dog at my mom's house which I visit often. (I am working on my master's degree in another town.)

    It is so great having them, especially when they 'help' with homework by sitting on the keyboard!

    Perhaps the kids haven't had experiences with cats?

  18. I think people who say they hate cats dont really understand cats or they have had a bad experience with one. I was a "dog person" growing up. To me, the cats I had met were aloof and unfriendly.  As an adult, I got a couple of kittens and there has been no looking back. I still love dogs but cats are better for my lifestyle and I love their unique personalities.

  19. Most people i know don't really like cats.  

  20. kids dont like cats mostly because they are not as playful...therefore they are boring to them..not o mention cats when irritated (which most kids are good at irritating animals) often scratch or bite therefore turnin a child off to liking cats at first..most children gorw out of it.  i hated cats when i was a kid but now i love them and have 2 myself.

  21. I personally love cats, My own is actually sleeping on my lap right now as I type this.

    I find that most children who don't like cats don't like them because they say they're mean creatures that use their claws ti attack people too much.

    I sure don't feel that way about cats, I love them. :)

  22. I love cats

  23. I honestly think that most people are like my brother in law.  He screams that he HATES cats, but his daughter wanted a kitten.  She got the kitten, he still says he hates them, but when nobody is looking he loves and pets the cat.  I think most people say they don't like cats but they really do.  I personally love all things furry.

  24. Most people have dogs which makes them think they can't like cats.

    Others say cats are girly.

    I'm a cat person :)

  25. wow  I had no idea so many people did not like cats.  I love them and always have unfortuanately I am allergic to them.  I love them though.  Iknow a lot of people who also love them and just as many that do not like them.  

  26. personally I don't like cats. But, when I was little I had one, It wasn't long before I gave it away. I don't like how they arch there back and whole body when you touch them.. and the puring drives me crazy.

  27. When my sister brings her friend over we have to put the cat away or let it out. If this girl sees a our cat in the house she will back up over the couch. She hates cats and fears them immensely.

    When we want her to leave we just tell her it's time to feed the cat and she is gone; like right now!

  28. Cats scratch.

    Those who don't understand them (cats) take each claw mark personally.  Silly, silly people.  

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