
Is this a scam or what water for gas in your car?

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  1. If this was legit don't you think everyone and their mom would be doing it?  It sounds like something that is likely to destroy your car.

  2. Everybody at the same time - "Water does not Burn!"

  3. Unfortunately, it's a scam and very expensive one because you can severely damage your engine (regardless of what the website says.)

    Water in or as fuel hurts mileage because water acts like a fire extinguisher. Some cars may run badly and even quit due to the incombustible nature of the water-laden fuel.  In some tests, it frequently has cut the MPG in half on trips.

    In below-zero weather, the water can form abrasive, icy particles that may damage fuel pumps and clog injectors.

    Engines work by combustion. Water prevents combustion.

    scroll down to the section on Public Domain Waterfuel Technology to read what scientists have been able to actually do so where near running a car on waterfuel..maybe in a few years.

    : )

  4. If it sounds too good to be true...

  5. no its possable if u can add certon ethaoles and salts it would work

  6. i mean, they're starting to produce cars with fuel cells that use hydrogen and their byproduct is 'pure water vapor' (H20)

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