
Is this a serious relationship?

by Guest64594  |  earlier

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ok, this guy his name is Rod, i know from last year march, we meet once a month he gud friend of mine. we always go for moive, to the park, for diner all the time. but we were jus gud friends, jus few months we we went to watch moive he put his arm around me, so thought he probably want to be more than friends. he started hugging me whenever we meet. 3 weeks he kissed me on lips when we were sitting in car. after that he didnt call me for 10 days and i was wating for him to call, after waiting i called him to ask, what he up he said he jus been busy i asked if he want to meet up again he sure. he came we went out again, again he hugged me and kissed, spend gud quality time together. its been 6 days now he enver called again. what does that mean? he's not interesting in me? but i got the feeling for him. i love him i want to tell him i love him, but how do i can know he loves me or not? how come he doesnt call, i always make the plan to meet up and always show up but ..doest call




  1. does he ever ask you to dine out?

  2. You'll learn these things when you become an adult

  3. call him

  4. Sounds like he's a little commitment phobic.  Give him space, and well he might come around, if not oh well, there's plenty more loosers to choose from.

  5. It sounds to me like the guy likes you as a friend, but isn't seriously interested in a romantic relationship with you.  He might have started the kissing because he was lonely and you were there (convenient) and he knows that you like him and so he knew he could do it.  But then he felt guilty because he knew that you really like him and so he avoided you for a while.  That's my best guess.  I'd say, start dating another guy.

  6. Well it's really hard to tell with guys sometimes. I would say give it some time and just come out and ask him how he sees you guys, maybe he really likes you more than a friend but is scared if he tells you the relationship will change? I dont know about all this being to I have only had one relationship and the guy is 24 and im 17 and we are getting married in april..but maybe this will help some. Good luck and God Bless.

  7. On your part, it is a serious relationship.  On his, it doesn't look like it.  I'd call him one last time and tell him how you feel about him.  If he doesn't respond or blows you off then you'll know.

  8. Nope, not even remotely.  He's merely setting you up to be his booty call when necessary.  Don't be that girl.

  9. hey kiddo - unfortunately the younger you are the more interesting this all seems.  Unfortunately, i'm older and can see this pretty easily as this - keep up this one-sided "relationship", you'll end up regretting something.  Turn on the self-respect and learn how to spell.

    Sorry kid, but you should wait til you're older or you'll just end up getting used.

  10. There is no relationship here.  He's a player.  Don't get played, unless that's what you want.

  11. is there a better way to tell t=him from your heart? i dont think so. girl, you know its a serious relationship. and you know what? you should get up right now from your rolling chair, get the phone, dial his number and sit on your bed waiting to tell him. sitting on your bed helps becuase it somehwere where you are confortable. if he doesn't feel the same way and you feel like crying. cry on your pillow. i wish you the BEST OF LUCK ON HIM. please dont lose your love just like i did.

  12. he may be scared to call you cause he might think you were scared from the kiss or something.  i my boyfriend right now did that and he was terrified i didn't like him anymore cause of that and now we've been going out for 4 months and going strong. and I've never been happier

  13. i had a relationship once, but she left me when i got "cancer"

  14. Jen, Rob seems to just be interested in you as a very good friend, almost a like having a friend with benefits.  This isn't fair to you, you've already fallen for him and it seems as though he hasn't and probably will not fall for you.  Its okay to him that he hugs and kisses you when you are together but he doesn't call you and only goes out when you call him.  You are much better than that and deserve someone who will treat you like the lady you are.  You need to not call him and find someone who is worth your time and effort.  Don't let him drag you down, you'll be much better off without him and you will find someone who will call on you and ask you to go and do things, not the other way around.  Please take care and let us know how you are doing!

  15. No, it sounds like he's a loser/user and not much of a good friend at all if he keeps blowing you off, not calling....and you only "love him" because you can't have him.

    Here's a question for you, for all these dinners and 'good quality time together'---who pays?


  16. He's Just Not That Into You

  17. Sorry to tell you, but this guy is just not that into you.  Don't get your hopes up for someone that will bring you disappointment.  You deserve to have someone as anxious for you as you are for him.  If you keep him as a friend, do not give him physical contact.  Sounds like he wants his cake and to eat it too!

  18. hes playin with ur emtions....he wants u to love him and all and then he will disappear for a while then he will come back drive u crazy then not talk to u for a while...jus maybe he doesnt want to be with u but wants friends

  19. It sounds to me like if he was as interested in you as you are in him he would put forth a little effort to call you up and make plans himself.

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