
Is this a side effect, or normal, or just weird and should be checked?

by Guest63228  |  earlier

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I've been on the contraceptive pill for just under a year now, and every now and again when I have my period, it starts with black blood and small clots, but usually passes into your average period.

However, I'm on the pill which has 21 pills and the 7 day break, and at the beginning I used to get my period the day after I started the break or the day after that. But now, it seems to be the day before I need to start taking the pill again ; and when it does start, its literally a lot of black blood and lots of clots. This has happened the last couple of cycles.

I know that generally black blood is old blood, but why am I getting so much of it, and huge clots with it too? Plus, just to note, I don't get much cramping until the red blood comes through?

Is it a side effect you can get with the pill as I never used to get before hand - or is something wrong?




  1. you need to check with your Dr in regards to there possibly being some underlying problem. clotting however is not uncommon during periods birth control or without.

  2. I would guess that it isnt the pill, although it may be worth asking your GP about it.     You dont say how old you are, but if you are aproaching the menopause then it may be due to that, or another gyneocological condition, such as fibroids.  However, it could also be normal for you, and nothing untoward is wrong.   Only your GP can rule out a problem, so its best that you go and get yourself checked out, if only to allay your fears.

  3. hi, it sounds to me as tho its just old blood coming away from the linning but if your worried about anything you should see the doc but i wouldnt worry too much hun. xx

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