
Is this a sign from god???

by  |  earlier

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last night i was masturbating in my room under the covers and my mom came in da room but she did not turn on the lights she was looking for charger for her cellphone at 2:30 am i immediately stopped masturbating i acked like i was sleeping she called then i woke up and i gave her , her charger then she left i was so scared then i was wondering if that was a sign from god allnight is this a siigh from god to tell to stop masturbating???.




  1. It was a sign from God that sometimes, just sometimes, incest is acceptable to God.

  2. I believe it was a sign from God.  and I also believe it wouldn't be easy for you to stop ..  just wait, if ur doing it again, I could almost guarantee you'll have another interruption of some sort.  I think you should save yourself for the one you will later marry.

    wow you were brave to list this question.  I hope you are blessed.  :]

  3. No

    It was just a coincidence

    Besides masturbation is completely normal and healthy

  4. just imagine how God watches your every do you still wanna do it?  

  5. Way too much information.

  6. LOL.  No, it's not.  Sexuality is a part of humanity.  You cannot avoid it.  Not even if you were in a monastery, sexuality is a part of humanity.  Your mom simply caught you and probably ignore it.  Hey, better you m********e than to leave it all packed up inside.  I mean, once you find love, then you'll be able to have s*x all you want, but you ARE human.  

    The Bible refers to s*x as a lion at your door.  So long as s*x do not control then it is fine.  However, those who allow s*x to control them are those who are truly lost.  

  7. nope. the incident wasn't about your private nighttime activities.  it was a sign from "God" that you should return stuff that you borrow.  your poor mom shouldn't have to search the house for her charger.

  8.'s your mom who was looking for a charger ...nothing more .

  9.'re full of baloney.  Learn how to spell.  Your lack of composition and writing skills is also a giveaway.

  10. if god didnt want you to jerk off,he would have made your arms shorter

  11. Surely dear. Yuo should stop it as it is a sin. those all good things that god has given to us, we should not misuse it. He gave us a chance to improve. Dont misuse it.

    God Bless You...

  12. Yes.  God has been losing sleep over you. Pervert

  13. yes. you shouldn't do it.

  14. LOL.  If I were a christian, I say it's a sin before god. man, he's little late.  

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