
Is this a sign of MBD?

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i just picked up a bearded dragon a couple days ago. he/she is about a month old and just today twards the night he just started walking weird and kinda bobbing his head a little bit when i was holding him but not in the cage... he was alert though like he was interested in anything that moved... and he didnt walk weird all the time just sometimes... if its mbd what would the estimated cost of getting he/she checked out and getting vitamin injections... heres the cage specifications: he has a 100w t-rex mercury vapor light and a 100w heating light in a 55gal tank and the hot side of the cage is normally around 92 and cold side around 85 and the basking spot around 108 or so and plenty of crickets with vitamin supplement over them. please help




  1. i dont think u hav any thing to worry about. beardies always bob their heads. its terratorial and them just being inquisitive, however if any new symptoms show then mayb u shud check it out. just make sure u use a gd calcium and vitamin powder and correct heating and lighting and all shud b fine

  2. MBD can indeed be treated and the condition of the bones improved, but you sound like you are doing all the right things already, therefore I doubt that he has MBD. Bobbing is natural behavior.

  3. metabolic bone disease wont occur if you have proper lighting (uv and heat lights) and give your dragon calcium supplements, which you can dusk your cricket 1-2 times a week with calcium powder.. i rescued my dragon and he had metabolic bone disease when i got him due to lack of the correct lighting and lack of calcium im sure yours is fine. bobbing their head isnt a symptom of mbd is more so a dominance thing for them

    btw, cost for mbd is nothing, theres really no cure, just prevent it!

  4. Lol, yes, head bobbing is a classic beardie behavior.  Basically, they're defending their territory, saying Hi, making sure their presence is known.  Its not mbd.  Mbd is typically characterized by tremors or seizures, not head bobbing.  You have nothing to worry about.
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