
Is this a sign of alzheimer's or mental illness????????

by  |  earlier

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My dad has a strange habit of throwing away power cords for electronics like radio, tire inflator, camera, camcorder, flashlight, etc.

I've had to throw away a few of the electronics because they are useless without the cord to operate and recharge. Plus they cost $100 each usually.

So is there something wrong with him mentally? Is this a sign of Alzheimer's? He seems fine otherwise. He is 65 years old.




  1. You didn't mention how long he's done this. If it is something that he has just recently begun to do, I would be a little concerned. My mom is now 66 but we noticed a little over a year ago that she had begun to forget things a lot more often, repeated herself several times during a single conversation and misplaced things. When she went to the doctor, they did some testing and found out that she was in the beginning stage of Alzheimer's disease. During your dad's next doctor's appt.  someone should mention it. It could very well be something else since you only mentioned him throwing away certain electronic power cords but it is still worth having a professional check him out. Early detection is the key to the best possible treatment for most illnesses.

    Good luck to you and your dad. I hope its nothing serious.

  2. He throws away power cords?  Wow, don't let him get a hold of any X-Box 360 or PS3!  All kidding aside, not even a mental health professional would be able to diagnose your father based the information you gave.  Have you talked to him about it?  I mean, why in the world would be do that?  It's so pointless.

    What he's doing isn't a sign / symptom of Alzheimer's Disease, at least in my opinion.

    I don't know, he definitely needs a GOOD talking to.

  3. Have you talked to him about it and asked him why he does this or if he is aware that he does this?

    He might just be forgetful - In the absence of other symptoms or bizarre behavior, you really can't tell. Generally, mental illnesses show up in ones teenage years or early twenties. Alzheimer's symptoms can begin any time, but usually start with forgetfulness.

  4. my grandmother has alzheimers and its so bad now she doesnt even know me at all. its really sad. during the early stages she did crazy stuff like that. then it progressed completely in about 2 years . you should convince him to go to a doctor and check it out. by what i know the earlier they detect it, the more you can put it off.

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