
Is this a sign of labor or am i stressing myself out i asked earlier but no one really helped? PLZ HELP?

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I am 37 weeks and 5 days and the last couple of days i have been running to the restroom alot. If i get a sharp pain in my tummy then i have to go right then and there does this mean that i am going to go in to labor or start? I have really bad cramps in my back and stomach and i get up and walk and they go away but not always. The doctor told me if i have them then walk but it always does work is there anything else i can do. I also have cramps the feel like im ganna start my period.




  1. The baby has dropped lower in you uterus and pushing on your bladder, hence the running to the bathroom a lot. It will also feel like pressure in your pelvic area.   The bad cramps could be contractions - early labor.  When was the last time you had a pelvic exam by the Dr to check your cervix for any dilatation or effacement (opening & thining)?  You are within that window of "any time now."  

  2. It sounds like your body's gearing up for labor. The bad part is you could go into the real thing today, tomorrow, next never know. The best things to bring on labor are s*x and walking. Good luck!

  3. believe me u WILL KNOW when your in labour......and you will know when u have to go to the hospital good luck x

  4. sounds like Braxton Hicks to me. If it was labour they would get worse with walking.

    Don't worry, you're just practicing!

  5. I am going to say no. You are probably just getting close to having your little one! The same thing happened with my baby Riley. Have fun with your newbiie!

  6. Well  you could be  going to the restroom a lot because he or she is pushing on your bladder.. You pee more when you are preg. but if it seems like excessive or hurts or only a little bit is coming...(this what happened to be in this pregnancy),  I think you should call your Doctor A.S.A.P. because it sounds  familar, I had a U.T.I.- a urinary tract infection, that went unnoticed ( I thought all the extra peeing was because the baby was pushing on my bladder), unnoticed even at the gyno so tell them to check! and because we didn't know it turned into a Kidney infection, a very bad one. It is extremely dangerous to mom and the baby. I had horrible pains in my side and in my back.  I don't know if this is the case but it is def. worth asking about. Braxton Hicks are usually just more uncomfortable then painful- usually just a tightening feeling. Your problem sounds like a u.t.i. or kidney infection, or real contractions. Did you explain to your Dr. about the severity of your pains/contractions? Some of the pains, in your tummy, can just be your uterus growing, I got that a lot, too. they felt like annoying cramps. But it is the back pain that I'm worried about. If you explained it all to your Dr. in detail, and he says it is fine, Don't worry !!!! But, if not or if it changed in anyway or has gotten worse, please call him. You aren't going into labor unless the contractions continue to  progress (that is, becoming longer, stronger, and closer together) and  you time them and they are the same time apart every time, if you have a bloody discharge (called bloody show, which you continue to pass throughout labor), if your water breaks. If these cramps start and then stop for hours, aren't synchronized, or come and go every couple of days you are not going into labor (unless it is false labor). But, I am not a Doctor, so please just call yours. Like I said, if he or she said it is all good, don't stress!!!! Good luck and I hope you feel better!!!!

  7. going pee often is very common this late in the pregnancy and the cramps are probably because the baby is adjusting getting ready to be born. walking helps to move the baby around a little into a more comfortable position. at least that's my thoughts on it. i was in a lot of pain by the end of mine, although he wasn't late. good luck and congratulations!  

  8. Doesnt sound like labor. The farther along you get, the more you will have to pee, your bladder is getting alot of pressure put on it as the baby grows. Its normal to have pains and cramps late in pregnancy, if walking helps, stick to that. Dont freak yourself out, when it is really happening, you will know for sure and as long as you are talking to your doctor, theres really no reason to worry.

  9. You will know that it is true labor when the pains do not go away. The time in between contractions when the baby is soon to be born is when they become close to 5 minutes apart,  But if this is your first baby then it could take a while for the contractions to get to that point.  Say two to three days.  At almost 38 weeks you could deliver soon,  Let the baby tell you when.  It will be in Gods' hands, not yours. The pain may seem long and laboring, but the end result will be well worth it and after it is all over the rest will be sure joy.  Good Luck and God Bless.  And Enjoy!!!  

  10. Wow, is sounds like you body is having a hard time relaxing.  Ideally, the braxton/hicks should not be painful.  It sounds like a couple things might really help:

    -take a hot shower or bath

    -buy some "Natural Calm" from a local health food store or (it is magnesium that is easily absorbed by your body and will calm your muscles down. Tense/tight muscle cause discomfort and pain - imagine how much more tight they will be when labor starts...  you want a head start on this!)

    - find some red raspberry leaf tea and brew it up and drink it.  It is wonderful for your uterus, muscles and baby.  Even good for milk production after the baby is born. It is recommended to even drink it while in labor.  You can drink lots of it.

    Best of luck and find a way to calm your body down - get a massage :-)

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