
Is this a sign of pre-labor?

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Sorry to be gross. Is rectal pressure (on and off, all day) a sign that labor is coming soon?




  1. I think it's a sign that the baby is dropping lower which technically is a sign that labor will come soon..

  2. I hope that it is for you. For me I got rectal pressure around week 36 so bad, it was incredible. I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced and baby was at -1 station at 37 weeks, I was SURE i was going to have the baby. At 38 Weeks I started to get such bad pooping cramps a couple of times i was sure i must be in labor. I p**p about 10 times a day, from the pressure and the cramps are painful. I hope you go into labor soon! I am 39 weeks +1 day and still waiting! In have had every Pre - Labor sign under the sun. : ( : ( :(

  3. no not exactly. how far along are you... i am 31 weeks and experience that often. i carry my babies low and i call her my butt baby lol only cause she gets her hand or shoulder stuck there often. don't worry the only thing that you need to worry about is if you get a bloody show or leak of ambiotic fluid. if it is your first baby it is kind of hard to know that your in labor until it has already started. you'll know any contractions by the pains and tightening of your belly. hope this helps a bit.  

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