
Is this a sign of pregnancy??

by  |  earlier

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This is gross, but are loose bowels a sign of pregnancy? I have kids, but I never paid any attention, lol. I'm not peeing too frequently, but I do find myself getting up in the middle of the night which is unusual except for when I'm preggo. And today my fiance` looked at me and goes "When you exercise, do you do something that makes your b***s bigger? They're HUGE!" So I measured, lol (I'm on an exercise program and I check measurements each week), and in the past 5 days my b***s went up 2 inches.

I'm also extremely thirtsy all the time and I sleep ALOT more. I was awake for a total of 6 hours today.

I'm having cramps and what feels like gas pains in my lower back. I also noticed some twinge-like pain on my side in the lower ab region. I'm hoping it's ovulation. Any suggestions??




  1. no

  2. check this website for some tips on checking pregnancy

  3. you shouldn't worry yet if your not late with your period

    wait for it to come and if it doesn't then do a pregnancy test

    good luck (:

  4. wait for your period.. if you dont get it then take a test.. good luck

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