
Is this a sign of reincarnation?

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I don't know if this is a sign of reincarnation of just a coincindence, but I thought I'd ask to see what everyone thinks. There is an old man who lived on my street who died recently. We were on a walk in the neighborhood and passed his house. Right behind his mailbox is an old tree stump, and right in the middle of the tree stump there was a baby tree growing out of it. I thought it was really cool, like he was trying to tell people that even though he died he was going to be reborn again as a baby. What do you think? A coincidence or not?




  1. Just the simple fact that you noticed and had the thought is enough to validate your belief.

    Happens to me all the time.

  2. It could be?!

  3. Humans reincarnate as humans.

    Most trees that are cut down will grow sprouts in order to 'survive', or the center of the stump could be a little bit soft or hollow and a seed found it's way there and the nurishment of the stump was perfect for the seed.

  4. The old boy would probably be annoyed that the tree had so carefully cut down was resprouting - he had probably been trying to kill the danged thing for years.

    Once he was dead he could no longer poison and hack at it thus giving it an opportunity to regrow.

  5. coincidence, people die and are just dead

  6. Could be a coincidence, trees will grow back if their roots are not taken out. I am not sure of how long it takes for them to resprout though.

    Since the rebirth of his tree happened around the time of his death, & you think it is a sign, it very well could be one. Maybe you are searching for answers and the universe is providing them in ways that you will relate to them.

  7. I think it's really almost impossible to know for sure.  When you believe that God..or the "Universe" or spirits are sending you signs..then you'll take it as a "sign" from them. But...if they're not..then it's just a coincidence. It's much more comforting to believe it's a sign from the other side. I know exactly what you mean though. It's "symbolism"...and can be very confusing. Some things aren't for us to know, I guess.

    Edit... For example....someone told me about being stuck around mean people and then someone nice came into the group. Then they saw a rose blooming in the snow. They considered it a "happy coincidence".

    Edit..Danica..I think some people below me never heard of "symbolism" lol.

  8. I can't say but you should talk to that tree just in case he is in there.

  9. Maybe he cut the tree down and it's sprouting up because it figures it's safe.

  10. It's a lovely coincidence! :)

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