
Is this a sign of teething?

by Guest10858  |  earlier

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For the past week or so, my six month old has been sucking and chewing on her lips. I don't see any teeth yet, nor can I feel any with my finger. She isn't drooling any more than usual, doesn't seem overly cranky, and is generally her normal self, but this is new...I've never seen her do it before about a week ago. (She does, however, chew on anything and everything else she can get into her mouth.) Does anyone know if the behavior is related to getting teeth, or has she just discovered that her lips are fun to chew? Thanks!




  1. She might be teething... and she might have just discovered her lips are fun to shew on... try rather offering her something else to chew on though... her lips might get a bit sore after a while. My daughter is 5 months and she is teething... her fingers are constantly in her mouth.  

  2. I'd say she just discovered her lips.  If she is teething, you'll know it soon enough.  Emma would get really cranky and attached.  Sometimes her nose would run and sure enough I would find a swollen white spot on her gums.

    FYI - The first four teeth were hard on her, the fifth was much easier.

  3. Teething can be confusing, because some of the signs are also things that babies always do anyway. Keep in mind that some babies will begin "teething" as much as 6 weeks before a tooth even surfaces! Your daughter might be teething. My son got his first two teeth a week or two before he turned 5 months.. and now at 7 months has 4.

  4. I think my son is teething. He has been drooling a lot, chewing on everything. I can somewhat feel a bump on his gums so I think its getting close since he has been screaming a odd periods during the day, also is waking up extra early in the mornings which he normally is a great sleeper.

    If your daughter doesn't seem to be in any pain or discomfort or if her usual self hasn't changed I would say it could be in early stages of teething but I doubt it.

  5. I don't think its teething i have a 3 month old but my nieces and nephews did not start teething until 8 or 9 months but then again all babies are different so it could be a possibility

  6. it is a sign of teething, it will take some time 4 them 2 actually come in so get the orajel or anbesal ready which ever u prefer. congratulations she is beautiful

  7. Yup..that sounds like teething. My daughter bites her lips and sucks on her bottom lips when she's teething.

    But...I will say, she went through a stage of chewing on her lips months before a tooth started to come in.

    Its so hard to say...a baby lives their life by putting things in their mouths...for no apparent reason.

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