
Is this a sign that i shouldnt dance?

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i have been dancing for about 13yrs and this year i was put into a class with 26 girls meaning ill most likely be in the back. Then my sister cleaned out the car with all my shoes and dance stuff and put it iin a trash bag downstairs. My cousin was over saw teh bag and put it in teh garage. My father saw the bag and threw it away should i buy new everything or not even worth it because this is a sign that i shouldnt do dance




  1. 13 years, definitely not!! I have been dancing for 10 and i wouldn't give it up for the world. Your way over thinking this and, if anything, it could be a good thing. You can get the latest dance equipment, as it always, always, always gets better and newer (like stupid Ipods)

  2. so you're saying you shouldn't do dance just because your dad threw your stuff away? (sorry!) that sounds like an excuse to me. =(

    do you really like dance? because (since you've been dancing for a while) you're probably pretty good. and just because you're in a class with lots of other girls doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be in the back. even if you are in the back though, who cares!???!! as long as you're dancing.

    so if i were you, i would just buy new dance stuff and not worry about being in the back.


  3. why would you quit something you truly love and enjoy? if you really loved dance & were a true dancer, you wouldn't quit over a small mistake, or misunderstanding. plus you get new things!  


    Pretty long time.

    Maybe you should stop going to dance.


  5. If you love dance, which i have a feeling that you do, i think that it is a sign that you just need new dance stuff.  You probably have made many great friends and memories in dance and you probably will make a million more...if you really aren't feeling it then follow your heart or ask your other dancing buddies for reassurance and they will most likely give you the best advice possible.

    Plus my dad throws away everything in his sight and he has thrown away a $100 pair of soccer cleats lying in the garage before, but that didn't mean that i quit soccer.

  6. you're waaay over thinking this. you sis was probably just tired of your stuff in her car. then your dad probably just threw them away cuz they were in a trash bag, so obviously he thought it was trash. don't give up on dance, i danced for 14 years and wasn't exactly the best at it, but if you love doing it you should never give up!  

  7. Umm, I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if you want to know if I think it's a sign, no, not really. If you've been dancing for that long, don't give up. I'm in the back row all of the time, but I still love it. It doesn't mean you aren't good. And with the shoes, I'm sure it was just an accident. I think you should still dance. If you have been dancing that long, and you are any good, you can make a living off of your dancing. Good luck!  

  8. I agree with the others that your stuff getting thrown out is not a "sign" that you should stop dancing unless you plan to let your family make your decisions for you by throwing out your stuff!  It really does sound like a series of misunderstandings.  If your dance stuff was just in the car loose, taking up a lot of space and cluttering up the car , then I can see why someone might eventually bag it up and take it out of the car.

    Maybe what you need most is a nice bag to carry your dance stuff in, so it doesn't get put in a trash bag and confused with trash!  Also, if you love to dance don't worry about being in the can see everybody else's moves that way, both the really good dancers (who you can learn from) and the bad ones (who will make you feel better about yourself because you're not that bad!).

    Dancing is about passion.  If you're passionate about it, do it and don't let these minor distractions discourage you!

  9. The fact that you're in a class of 26 and that your stuff accidentally got thrown out is not a sign that you should quit. But the fact that you think it might be - tells me that you need to ask yourself some tough questions.

    Ask yourself why you are still dancing? 13 years is a long time to focus on one thing. Is it because you want to be the center of attention? You like the physical exercise? The music? Or is it simply that your love to dance?  

    If it is that last one - you love to dance - don't let anyone or anything stop you. Shoes and clothes can be replaced and even those at the back of the class are learning more and enjoying dance more than those who didn't show up.

    Think long and hard before you give up  something you have enjoyed for so long.

    "Great dancers are not great because of their technique. They are great because of their passion." - Martha Graham

  10. um... a misunderstanding within ur family has NOTHING to do with ur fate as a dancer lol

    just buy new equipement

    answer mine every1 :);...

  11. NO!!!

    if you love to dance keep doing it!

    do what ever it takes!

    Stand in the front get notice work harder!

    just cuase ur family is a bunch of retards doesnt mean you shouldnt dance!

  12. if anything it's a sign that you need new stuff ;)

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