
Is this a similar story in your country?

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Women are earning $196 a week on average less than men in Australia. News article below.,23599,24248306-5007133,00.html?from=public_rss




  1. That is supposedly the case here in the United States. Still, women here tend to leave their careers (or go part-time) to rear children, which puts them behind their male counterparts in the same fields. They can't return to the work force five years later and expect to be at the same level as someone who has been working for the last five years.

  2. I think there is an overall wage gap in Canada, but not much of one.

  3. It seems like a highly biased article to me considering it doesn't give any specifics at all.

    It says nothing of whether or not the men and women are working the same jobs or different jobs.

    If I am working 55 hours a week as a receptionist I don't expect to be paid the same as a man working 55 hours a week as a Realtor.  

  4. If hairdressing doesn't pay enough for you then don't do it! women have choices now you know.

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