
Is this a solution?

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I just thoguht of something.

whjy not run ethanol, and hydrogen and clean electric vehicles that way classic car owners can run ethanol, and truckers, electric cars can be driven by anyone, and so can hydro's,

i mean we all look to one answer why not all 3?




  1. We need ALL solutions, not just 1 or even 3. Ethanol, bio diesel, solar, wind, nuclear, and better efficiency. And fusion or whatever.

  2. People and companies are trying to make way for any renewable fuels. I don't know if any particular company or person(s) are doing all three together. They are still working out the kinks in some of the things like making hydrogen more efficiently and making electric car motors more efficient. However, I originally heard that they can make hydrogen very efficiently and I know of an electric motor beating a Ferrari on the drag strip.  But I haven't heard anything since. Also I believe that big business and the government have a hand at keeping some of the alternate fuels back. (That last statement was just my opinion.)

  3. There are hundreds, if not thousands of engineers and scientists working on all those options now. It remains to be seen which will be successful. One thing is for sure, any designs which can cost effectively lower pollution and reduce our use of fossil fuel will make more money than one can imagine.

    It has nothing to do with corporations or business. It has to do with results.The people will buy it if it works and is cost effective.

  4. good!

  5. Hyrdogen is not so reliable at the moment (the same thing that happenned to the space shuttle back in the 1980s could happen to your car...and you too)

    Ethanol is effective, but is more expensive that fossil fuel, so only countries that creat a regulation will use Ehtanol (eg Brazil)

    Electric cars are becoming popular, but actually it is likely that your electricity is created by burning coal at the powerplan, and so actually burns more fossil fuels and produces more pollution.

    I believe in redesigning cities and providing more public transport. Changing the the way we live, so restarants, shops and entertainment are within walking distance and a good transport system.

    Are real problem is the amount that we consume. Recycling, using alternative fuels, turns on old problem into a new one.
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