
Is this a stereotype of Californians??

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That MOST of us are airheads, who like to flaunt that we live in California? Also, why do people love California so much? I live in Northern California and if given the chance would move to New York or another state!




  1. Hey,'m Southern Cali. and I'm originally from NEW YORK. I LOVE N. Y.!

    Californians are NOT any means. People who are Jealous of CA. like to Stereotype!

    As for Entertainment, Night life and Great Reataurants.....NY is the BEST.

    However, when it comes to Weather...Gimme S.Cali!

    N.Cali. is even too Cold for me.....EXCEPT Carmel..... mmm.mmm  I Love it, don't want to live there too Boring but, a Great place to stay a few nites!

    Go up there EVERY Thxgvg. weekend. We take the F'wy up and drive back along the Coas a t ritual Stop in Big Sur  at  'Nepenthe'  check out the Art Galleries along rhe way! We Visit, Red Lion Grille, Eat Dinner, Play Darts and Drink 'Rusty Nails', Hog's Breath Inn, Scandia for Breakfasts ..... And love my Candles at Wicks & Wax.......stay at the "Tally-Ho Inn" Ocean View and EAT French food ALL weekend. you can Walk EVERYWHERE!

    I'm NOT an Airhead, by any

  2. I used to live in northern, CA (11 years) and I have been residing in NY state for the last 12. Don't automatically assume that you would be happier in NY. People here are strong. The harsh winters and depressing scenery make you feel old fast. You have to adapt in order to survive. All you CA babies should not take it for granted that you have it so good. Everything is new and clean in CA and the weather is beautiful.

    You should watch 8 Mile starring Eminem. The scene in the beginning showing the ghettos of Detroit while he's riding the bus--that's what a lot of the northeast (the Rust Belt) looks like. There is a lot of wealth here but there is also a lot of poverty too--probably more poverty than wealth. In CA everybody makes $40,000 and they assume it's normal. $40,000 won't get you very far in New York City.

    If you want to get a feel for what the east is like listen to Bruce Springsteen. He's like the poor man's Bob Dylan. The new Rocky Balboa movie is a very accurate portrayal of Philly life also. Blood runs thick here too. People take pride in the fact that they are Catholic or Jewish or Italian or Irish. Sometimes it seems pretty ridiculous the way a lot of people act like they're right off the boat. Because I'm a Californian I can see through a lot of that bs most of the time.

    So take solace in the fact that you live in CA. I'd move back if I could but right now I'm too poor to move. Sometimes I wish I never left CA but other times I think moving to NY was the best thing that ever happened to me. I've learned a lot of things and seen a lot of things that I never could have learned or seen in CA.

  3. yes, unfortunately there is a stereotype of california, and also a dialect of word choices such as 'like'.  I am just like you, i live in northern california and i am moving out of california as soon as i finish school

  4. I've never been to northern California, but I've been to Santa Clara and San Francisco, I loved the desert weather, hot during the day cold during the night, perfect.  Not sure why you'd like to move to New York, the winters suck.

  5. im not a big fan of California

    i am moving to the east when Im done with school

  6. I don't think it's that people think we're airheads, but they do seem to think that everyone in California lives on the coast. I live in Northerm California, too, and I hardly ever see the beach. And when I do it's all cold and windy and gray. I think that stereoype that you said about people thinking Californians like to flaunt that we live here might be true, probably because of T.V. shows and movies that are based in L.A. or San Fran or wherever. Also, how could we not like our state? It's nice, so sue us, lol.

  7. I'm afraid I don't understand the question.

    Stereotypism occurs as social groups find easily-compartmentalized ways to classify people of a certain common trait. I imagine that somewhere, someone has that stereotype of Californians.

    I know that every person is different, though, so don't be influenced by what you perceive the stereotypes to be. People will find any reason to dislike you, and that's something that is to be pitied -- not resented.

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