
Is this a street drug? Bright yellow, chunk, breaks easy?

by Guest32731  |  earlier

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Please help, anyone who is familiar with street drugs out there. I was at my sisters and I was in my older nieces bathroom and found a large chunk of something that I am concerned might be street drugs.

Here is the description:

Breaks easy.

Shiny, Bright yellow - not crystal like.

Large size.. larger than a quarter in diameter and is about 1/2" thick.

No smell.

She had it hidden in a Mini Eggs wrapper! Maybe it's candy (i hope) but I am concerned and don't want to mention it to my sister until I get some ideas. I will bring it to my nieces attention as soon as I see her.

Please...anyone out there who might have some expertise in this area.. Please email me back.

One concerned aunt!




  1. er well from that description it sounds sort of like crack rocks...

    those are some pictures of crack rocks so if it looks like that, I'd definitely bring it to her attention.

  2. Flush it down the toilet!!

  3. sounds like crack to me

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