I currently have a ok job working with a very respected insurance company. I'm 22, I have my own place, vehicle, no children and no man. In 17 months I will have my MBA. I will be 23 then. After I get my MBA I really have the urge to travel the country and the world for about 5 years, just working odd jobs all around the world. I would be meeting all sorts of people and recording my adventures in a diary and on video. Do you think this is a bad idea. I am a smart, attractive, independent female that has a lot in front of me. However, I realize that we (humans) only have one life, why would I want to spend most of it doing something I don't like. Yes, I understand that's life...but who says it is? If I only have one life to live, then I rather be doing something I like then doing something soceity says I should do. I do understand that it would be rather stupid of me to throw away everything. That's why I plan on doing this for about 5 years. I will voluenteer a lot along the way, I will write a book on everything I encountered and maybe make a documentery to inspire others to do what they wanted to do. Would 5 years be to long? I chose 5 years because I get to spend a good time in each place so I can better understand the different cultures. I plan to step foot on all continents. Is this a stupid Idea or if I came to you and wanted a job from you for only say 3 months and I told you about all the adventures I experienced and I wanted to get the chance to meet more people at your company and work there too, would you hire me?
Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I don't have time to proofread right now. But, thanks for all your answers. And if you don't have nothing nice to say please spare it. Thanks.