
Is this a symptoms of heart disease? Shall i consult to a cardiologist?

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Sometimes i feel a heavy feeling in my chest, and when I am lying on my bed, I feel like I'm drowning. I also feel a prickling sensation inside my chest. This happens to me for sometime now, and as i recall, it almost 5 months ago when i started to feel it.

Another thing, a year ago I was confined at the hospital due to mild dehydration. They do some test on me like ECG, and they said i have a heart problem. I consult the result of the test to a cardiologist and he said the same thing that i have a heart problem. A month after that, I undergo another test called 2-D echo, and I consult the result to another cardiologist and she says that I am fine and do not have any heart problem. So I feel relieve after hearing that news. But a few months after that I feel such feeling- a heavy feeling in my chest and prickling sensation. That was the first time I've experienced it. So now I am confused which doctor/ cardiologist is telling the truth. Background info- my grandfather and cousin has a heart disease. I know it's possible that i have it too.I don't know which of the two carddiologist I'm going to believe. Now I'm confused and I don't know if I'll need to consult to another cardiologist and believe in another result. Please give me some advice, tell me what to do.

i'll tell you some more details. I'm 20 years old, male, weighing 125 pounds, my heigt is 5'7. I'm not that thin and not that fat, so i can say I'm just an ordinary guy with ordinary body built. I don't drink alcoholic beverages or smoke cigar, in short I don't have vices. I don't worked out, the excercise I do is walking every morning when going to school. I admit it I am phisically weak. How can I say that? There's one situation that happened to me that made me said that. A few eeks ago, I was asked by my professor to bring one school equipment, OHP or overhead projector. I brought it up to the fourth floor of our school, just using the stairs. i carried it twice, before the start of the class, and after the class. After that, I feel very weak, and exhausted. I catch up for my breath for a while like i can't breathe, and my chest ache for a second, and my whole body is shaking, like I'm collapsing. But i was not confined at the hospital that day. Just a clarification, I don't have an asthma.




  1. Consult the doctor who said that there is a heart problem, in my experience at your age the above symptoms are pointing to cardiac problem.

    Better check it out with him OK. Have the matter sorted out as early as possible, maybe you are in a curable stage, take the chance of a lifetime.

  2. None of us can tell you what is really need to go to the Doctor but what you describe for your age is not normal. Maybe you have heart problems..could be a blocked artery? Or who knows what else?

    They can do tests to see everything that is going on.

    Please.... you have your whole life ahead of you. Make that appointment first thing in the morning and go to the Dr.

  3. Check your blood pressure and cut down on the fatty food.

  4. I would take the advice of the first two cardiologist both cant be wrong besides it sounds like you might have a blockages of some kind I had a triple bypass when I was 40 had some of the same symtoms. Talk to the doctor and see if they can do a heart cath on you that will let them look at your heart to see what it is doing and if it is getting good blood flow, the heart cath takes pictures of your heart and if you have a blockage they can put a stent in while your there

    Good Luck

  5. You might have something happening with your heart, or you could have anxiety.  Anxiety will cause many of the same symptoms you are describing.  I would suggest you see a general internist for a full work-up to be sure everything is ok, and make sure give him/her a copy of your ECG and echocardiogram reports.  

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