
Is this a syntax? (quote from "Why Can't We Wait")?

by Guest10777  |  earlier

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This quote is from the book "Why Can't We Wait" by Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Why did a thousand cities shudder almost simultaneously and why did the whole world--in gleaming capitals and mud-hut villages--hold its breath during those months?"

Is this sentence a syntax?

I feel that King uses these "--" in this sentence to kind of mimic what he is trying to say by the way he describes the capitals and mud-hut villages to be "holding its breath". When using these "--" readers are to pause a bit and continue reading, thats why I feel that the sentence is structured this way purposely to mimic what he is trying to say into the sentence.

What do you think?




  1. Well, syntax is the study of the principles and rules for constructing sentences in natural languages. A hyphen in English is used to create a pause and/or an extension of meaning-- a refining of meaning-- or a definition. You ask if the sentence is syntax. All sentences can be analyzed in terms of syntax. Your question is what syntax King is using in terms of the use of a hyphen. Look up hyphen and proceed accordingly, as to whether it has been used appropriately or not.

  2. you're right, but i think that's called something. syntax is just how the words are arranged, so technically any sentence is a "syntax". there's different rhetorical techniques though, which is what you seem to be thinking of. like the villages holding their breath is personification

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