
Is this a toxic dream? Or from my bipolar disorder?

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I had this very vivid dream (the ones that wake you up and you feel like you've had coffee).

A football field. I blond man did an elegant, acrobatic jumb over the goal poste. Then golden, 3D 8s (???) started falling from the sky like rain or confetti. The eights then grew golden stems, like they were going to land in the ground with the stem in the dirt.

Then - the crowd started chanting. Low voices. Creepy, creepy voices chanting. I thought what is that they are chanting? I listened closer and when I realized they were chanting my name over and over with their creepy voices I woke up scared.




  1. Meds. I am going to guess this is from taking a Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.... anti depressent ...... doctors seem to be prescribing them for bipolar in addition to other meds, these days.


    If no meds, then it is just a dream and nothing more. It's important not to worry about it.  Possibly a bit of anxiety that comes with bipolar. The most important thing you can do is not to worry.

  2. how bizzare,maybe you are having a hidden meaning to your dreams

    look up the meaning of dreams on the net,You cant type in your dream and they will analyze it.Worked for me and my dream about demons and the exorcist movie

  3. Have you been looking into numerology lately?  Or been around anyone who is really into the meaning of numbers as a tool for making decisions?

    There is what I call a "numerology virus" going around, spiritually.  To "catch it" you just need to be around someone who is into it, and the influence spreads.  There are entities who call themselves "spirit guides", or "angels" who claim they are assigned to help you "find your way" but they are  really messengers of evil.  They will try to lure you to seek the guidance you crave in numerology, astrology, tarot, or other occult system.  But they are really trying to get you into a bondage to these things so that you no longer use your free will and seek God alone for wisdom.

    God grants free will to all humans from birth, and to seek guidance through some system that claims your future is "programmed" by numbers or already written in the stars (astrology) is an attempt to violate that free will.  God wants us to seek guidance from Him alone, and make the choices that are best for us, not seek prepackaged answers like something from a cosmic vending machine!

    Your desire for success, but especially your concern for appearances (need to impress others) is evident in this dream.  This is a weak area for you, one that the evil ones will not hesitate to use to exploit you.  This dream is not toxic.  The spirits are.  The dream is warning you against them, as your inner spirit recognizes them for what they are.  God puts His own voice deep within us, but we so often ignore it that it gets harder and harder to hear Him.  But you are hearing.  Please listen.

    Pray for wisdom.  

    God bless you.

  4. Wow, what imagery! Make a movie or a painting or something! You could be the next Dali. That's somewhere beyond Freud, IMO.

    Reminds me of the arms holding candles in Jean Cocteau's La Belle et Le Bete. The familiar is made unfamiliar by bizarre context and combinations.

    A lady who does art therapy with in-patients said she can tell when they're getting well: Their art goes from wildly imaginative to Grandma Moses. Maybe you can derive some good from your condition.

    I knew a bipolar lady in Portland who got hired as a bus driver by Tri-Met, and one day when she got to the end of the line she took her money thing and walked away, leaving several passengers stranded. They transferred her to the Dispatch office.

  5. I would see the number 8 as a symbol of yourself in this dream.

    I found an interesting correlation to the number 8 and sports:

    "A figure 8 is the common name of a geometric shape, often used in the context of sports, such as skating"  

    Since this 8 shows up in a football field maybe it's telling you that you are skilled in sports and to add to this theory a man does an elegant acrobatic jump.

    The 8's seem to be landing with stems to support them in the ground.  This indicates that you are well balance and able to perform skills other people probably couldn't. (8x3) That indicates you have abilities 3 times the normal person.

    ON the flip side it could imply that you don't do anything and your going to be stuck in the ground when you could be doing things that are creative and fun?

    The chants are creepy because you are afraid of your own success and failures.  Don't let failure scare you and certainly don't let success scare you.

    Here is some other info I found on the number 8 and if I were you I would read the link because it's pretty interesting how the 8 is linked to your dream.

    "The number 8 is involved with a number of interesting mathematical phenomena related to the notion of Bott periodicity"

    "A fallen or lying down 8 (∞, the lemniscate) is used to represent infinity in mathematics. This interpretation of 8 may be related to the representation of the caduceus (where two snakes form several figure eights) as stability or balance of opposing forces."

    This is a great dream and I would love to have one as interesting as this, with out the creepy voices, of course.  Your imagination points to creativity and it would be a waste if you don't use your abilities in sports or some type of creative outlet to express yourself, and have fun doing it.

    I didn't get my thoughts based on numerology but based on scientific facts from wikipedia.  God would want you to follow your dreams and seek positive outlets in the talents he gave you instead of keeping your repressed in a colt.   Yes, I believe in God but not in religion.

    A lot of interesting and famous people have bipolar or even schizophrenia so don't let your illness ruin your life.  It does not identify you.  It's just an incontinent part of your life that can be dealt with in a positive way.  I have PTSD and I have some great talents that I take pleasure in such as dream reading.

  6. The dream doesn't sound toxic to me.  Do you have a fear of success?

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