
Is this a true definition of Goddess?

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When you start to write, and the words form into lines, and a poem starts to take shape, they can sometimes lead in a different direction from what was originally intended. After writing this, I found that I could not remember the original intent, but I really enjoyed writing it. It was written for a lady, one whom I respect, and will not name. Just call it Goddess.


My heart is pounding in my chest,

As you come near to me.

A vision of my longing dreams,

As you walk by the sea.

The rising sun across the waves,

Puts gold streaks in your hair.

The morning breeze fluffs up your curls,

I see a goddess there.

The sparkling hazel of your eyes,

As you smile sweet at me,

Complements the deep blue-green,

Out on the salty sea.

To see you in this morning light,

A treat beyond compare.

Gives appetite to taste your lips,

Here in this salty air.

So gently press your lips to mine,

And let me feel your love.

I'll float among the billowed clouds,

Like angels up above.




  1. She looks like a Goddess from here.

    (You old salty dog--you're such a romantic.)

  2. Well Dondi, I don't think it captures any of the spiritual

    qualities that it should... to me it sounds like a guy

    who's infatuated with a girl in a rather sexual way.

    With a real Goddess a man would not dare to think

    along those lines, and he'de be talking about things

    quite divine, majestic and eternal.

    I may have missed your point on this question, sorry.


  3. heart melts, thank you, Dondi, for this glimpse of your beautiful soul.

  4. if by Goddess you mean someone you find attractive and want to sleep with, then certainly. But it isn't very flattering to women and I don't know why any girl except perhaps a Trophy wife or gold digger would find it complementary. It lacks in terms of essence, it lacks spirit, and it lacks meaning.

    It also lacks higher purpose. All of those things are terms you would want to use to make Goddess not only the title, but a compliment to boot.

  5. Wow...thems is some lips...

  6. Well done. Great flow.  

  7. i know this Goddess too Dondi.

    the others who said something else

    just havent lived what your heart knows.

    i think its a colorful and very visual poem myself.

    and i know you'll more than respect her in the morning.  :)

  8. This is very romantic and all I can say it would be such a compliment to me if someone was to consider me a Goddess! To me that is putting me above just being a female, but a rare and beautiful human being! How can that not be not the most beautiful compliment you can bestow on a female!

    Very romantic indeed, what a lucky woman!


  9. This is the way women want to be loved. I have tears in my eyes.

    Now, I will let the poem speak for itself.

  10. I have no problem marrying any man who could just write me a poem like this.

  11. A romantic gem written by a romantic gem!

  12. any woman who reads this, and has had an up and down life, will fall in love with your words.  even if they wont admit it, women are still waiting for that degree of love.  thank you so much!

  13. This ladies and gents, is romance of the highest order...this is precisely why some intelligent younger women are attracted to mature men.

    Another Golden Mouthed poet!

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