
Is this a true friend?

by Guest61184  |  earlier

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So I kind of knew this guy from my old school by sight. Now that I've gone to highschool, he's one year ahead of me. He's been very nice and has been introducing me to his friends, allowing me to hang out with them. However, he's been telling me about this "church youth group" and wants me to come with him to check it out. (He's leader of it). I can't go because I'll miss the bus and won't find a way to get home. My parents can't come pick me up. Is he just being nice so that I can join this group? If I tell him I can't make it will he start ignoring me?




  1. No, I don't think he will start ignoring you.  maybe he is just trying to be nice and maybe he is just trying to give you something to do.  maybe he has a lot of fun at his youth group and wants to share it with you.  If you would like to go to his youth group, see if he or someone from his group can give you a ride.  if you don't want to, tell him your problem and say you would rather not.  he'll understand. he's just trying to be nice.

  2. I'm sure he's not just being nice so you can go along to a church group! I'm about 80% sure of it. But theres only one way to test it out for certain, explain to him you would like to go but unfortunatly theres no other way of getting home. If he starts ignoring you, THEN you will know he's not a true friend, and you will be happy you realised! And if he's cool with it, you know he's a true friend. You can't lose!

  3. You should try hard to make it. See if his parents can drive you home. He is a true friend if he understands that you just have no way of getting hame unless his parents drive you. He will understand, I can tell.  

  4. Maybe this guy is just trying to show you who he hangs out with, what he likes to do, etc. If you can't make it, if he IS a true friend, he'll understand. Good luck!! :)
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