
Is this a true packers fan?

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I'm sorry to keep asking questions about packers and green bay, but i keep thinking of good ones.

Anyway, on another question, the guy said there was rumors that packers fans will buy Favre jets jersey and wear it to a Green bay home game to show disgust for the management. Don't you think that's a little over the top? I mean, that's just looking stupid, and giving money to the Jets. now why would you do that? I have respect for what Favre has done with green bay, and as a QB, but he has moved on. Packers fans should move on too. And if they do this, that means they weren't really PACKERS fans, But FAVRE fans, because if you were a real fan of a team, you wouldn't turn on it just because one person left. Anyone agree with me?




  1. All that shows is that they were Favre fans all along and not Packer fans. I say let them. They are the ones that will look stupid. It will look like that guy that never could except that high school is over and still wears his lettermans jacket.

  2. a true Packers fan will stick with their TEAM and not some over-paid cry-baby that has made a complete fool of himself..............

  3. you know what. s***w that. i wanna see it happen. i'll have a huge smile on my face if i see jets favre jerseys. most of the midwest will just smile

  4. its called expressing you views everyone has one let people do wat they want now if they do diehard packer fans like my self will lets say it wont be pretty

  5. sounds like GB fans are a bunch of crybabies move on already, it happened and you cant take it back deal with it

    this is the second thing i've heard GB fans doing something childish and stupid to the Packers cause they're not happy sounds like some 8 year old kids in elementary school getting back at little Jimmy for what he did come on people GROW UP

    but yes i do agree with you, if you like the team you should accept the trades and offers your team gets no matter what, you have no control over it

  6. I'm not a packers fan but honestly I think that would be hilarious if they did it at the home opening game against the Minnesota Vikings.  I mean the Packers aren't gonna have a chance now to beat them without Brett Favre, but I understand that to because when Randy Moss left for the Vikings I didn't wear his jersey to the game.  

  7. if you pull that stunt, you are not a true Packer fan.  they are not welcome in Lambeau Field and will know it if they show themselves with a Favre Jets jersey.

  8. I think a TRUE Packers fan should do it. Say what ever you want about the situation but Brett Favre gave the Green Bay Packers the best chance to win.......................PERIOD!!

    And I am not a Packers fan!

  9. Part of your question deals with the disgust the fans would show for the way this was handled. The fans are mad, and upset, let down, stepped on, and have been chain-yanked so of course there will be animosity with the front office.

    I've moved on, but it's all Packers for me.  

  10. GB fans are mostly all Favre fanatics so  idont see anything wrong with them all buying Favre Jets jerseys. But wearing them to the game is all up to them. And by doing so ,they arent favoring their own team. Just ripping them. But i'd like to see it.  

  11. I'm not a Packers fan, but, That would show true following for Favre. Just put it on, and shove into the face of, MM and TT. You maybe even be shown on TV.

  12. I think it is a great idea for Favre and packer fans to show their support of Brett as a Jet and to show the packers coaches and front office how bad they screwed this up. Just think of this, we as fans from other parts of the country had our tvs and sports shows filled with all this c**p about the packers and favre. Just think how bad the people in greenbay had it, they had to deal with it on the local news programs and the front page of their newspapers.The packers are stupid for not welcoming Brett back. Aaron Rodgers will never be as good as Brett and will never lead them to a superbowl.

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