
Is this a unusual craving?

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Neighbours have been raising a pig for a few months now. Actually it has grown to be quite healthy by the looks of it. I get cravings for roast pork every time i look at it's rather large hams.

Is that a natural feeling and or why do i feel that why?




  1. Any craving is fine as long as you are not wanting dirt, laundry soap or any other strange thing which can indicate a vit or min deficiency and you should let the dr know that you are having these strange cravings... If it is an edible item then go ahead and eat it but remember not to over indulge as you don't want to gain weight to quickly or too much at once.  

  2. I get the same way.. Its the homer simpson inside of me..

  3. I think it is natural. Altho I can't say that I would be craving pig. Lol.

  4. Oh Hun thats normal ..i had a craving for Vicks Vapour Rub and the first thing my doctor asked 'You not eating it are you' lol 'No' i said 'the smell is wonderful'..he said he had seen some strange cravings in his time  

  5. You crave what your body needs pregnancy wise anyway so if that is what your craving then eat it but only enough to satisfy your craving not more then that. To much then what your craving isn't helping you anymore then not eating. Listen to your body when you are pregnant and you baby will be a beautiful healthy baby. Good Luck and enjoy.

  6. no craving is unusual when your pregnant,your body could be trying to tell you something, just cook yourself up some pork and feed that crave

  7. I wouldn't say that is an unusual craving, just a normal reaction from your body which is very hungry for fuel to help your baby grow!

    You will probably notice several of these types of cravings off and on during your pregnancy - they don't all make sense. ;-)

    Now what I would call an "unusual craving" would be the one where I craved (more like HAD TO HAVE!) coffee when I was pregnant with my third child.  What's weird about that?  I've never drunk coffee in my life.

    So, I fully enjoyed coffee during that whole pregnancy, but then as soon as I had her I didn't want any more.  That's been almost 11 years ago now and I haven't had a cup of coffee since 1997.  Weird.


  8. the only unusual craving in prego women would be like dirt or cleaning chemicals. but apparently thats not unusal either. girl, your body and baby want pork, GIVE IN! its good for you to induldge in your cravings at a steady pace. my weirdist craving so far has been pb&j sandwiches with pepperoncinis and a big glass of orange juice or lime/lemonade juice. and a bowl of birthday cake remix ice cream from cold stone after. :-)  

  9. Hehehe it's a bit of a weird craving as I would normally see an animal and not associate it with the wrapped meat you buy at the shop. Still, I found myself wondering last week what a human thigh steak would taste like....

  10. No i don't think it is odd at all, just as long as you don't go slice some meat off the pig lol... Now do you think its odd that just by reading this question I'm craving some ham and potato's lol, ugh now I'm so hungry!

  11. I think it is a normal craving.  But don't entertain the thought by following through on it.  While you are eating for two, it doesn't mean, it pork, which is not healthy to begin with.

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