
Is this a urinary infection?

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First off let me add some detail, Age: 16, s*x: Male, enough said.

Anyhow, just yesterday my stomach was killing me (bad pain). I took some medicine and the stomach pain went away, but now I feel like my bladder hurts a bit when I "Push"(You know, when you're using the bathroom and you need to "Push" the waste out). I was just wondering if this is a urinary infection, please help and thanks.


I do seem to be peeing more often, but I can kinda hold it in.

It doesn't burn or sting when I pee.

-My mother was a doctor in her homeland, she says I may have it but it doesn't seem bad in her opinion, she said that drinking cranberry juice would solve the problem. Do you think I have a urinary infection and if so can it be easily solved with cranberry juice?




  1. Stinging is often associated with urinary tract infections as well as the inability to hold urine. It may be cystitis of the bladder, but you really need to see your doctor for a proper evaluation. Cloudy urine is another indicator.

    Cranberry juice won't clear up any bacteria in the tract. Antibiotics helps here.

  2. Cranberry juice/supplements can help to avoid UTIs, but after you have one your doctor has to prescribe antibiotics. They have store bought tests over the counter anyone can take to be sure, though.

    Doesn't sound like one from the symptoms, though.  

  3. There's only one thing that can help you and that's test the Urine.

    Go with a sample of your morning urine to a labo(the same one who's doing bloodtests via a doctor).

    The results will show up all on paper.

  4. It could be a bladder infection, or it may be the start of a UTI...I personally would have your blood and urine checked to make sure it is nothing more serious like a kidney stone, etc....

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