
Is this a valid defence? As a Mother it turned my stomach (Madeline McCann)?

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Defending their investigation, Portuguese officials said thousands of children go missing worldwide each year and are never found.




  1. The McCanns are unique as the only parents known to have refused to answer police questions or take part in a reconstruction.  How can you possibly complain about the Portuguese police when the parents have so blatantly blocked their investigation?!!!!

  2. Why should the truth turn your stomach? They are stating FACTS. I noted that KMcC is once again using the "leaving no stone unturned"  phrase. Pity they didn't put it into practise when they were jogging, playing tennis etc and STRANGERS were hunting for their child.

  3. A tragic and unfortunate fact of life.

    Most people believe real life is like a TV show with a wrapped up ending. Life doesn't work that way

  4. I have no pity for these parents, I pity their children.  What morons are going to let their kids sit in a hotel room while they are out eating a meal?  Morons who don't care about their kids, that's who.  No, it's not "naive", it's child abuse in my eyes.  I'd never do something so foolish, and my son is almost 11 years old!

  5. As a mother, my reaction is to never let my kids out of my sight, especially in a foreign country.

  6. As a father I have to agree with the Portuguese police here  What else can they do ?. No new leads, no firm evidence. ? All police forces around the world shelve cases when the trail goes cold and this is just what has happened here. If some good evidence comes to light they have said that they will reopen the case.

  7. It's a sad unfortunate truth. I was watching a program about families in China whose children are kidnapped and sold.  One man even sold his youngest son when his wife died.  The only reason he didn't sell his older son (who was 10) is that he knew his way home....  Another family did not have the proper birth authorization so basically their daughter was not "born" until they sold her to a foreign family.  It's sickening!!

  8. its a very harsh truth start living in the real world

    it you can't handle it leave.

    people go missing all he time. example spring to mind aguy from a band called the manic street preachers vanished in 1994 it's now 2008 no sign of the guy. many stories like this, its sad but its a fact.

    just cos a fact is horrible doesn't make it less true.

  9. And they are right and that will, sadly, always be the case

  10. I am a veteran and so McCain he can visit our troups.  One reasson is he is elected.  Candidates may be risky business for our people, to take on the extra security work.

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