
Is this a virus or what? what can i do about this? ?

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my computer slowed down, i can't open the task manager and the folder options. what can i do?




  1. Those sudden, unexplained restrictions are a hallmark of malware.

    If you have an anti-virus, I suggest you make sure it has the latest virus definitions and run a scan with it in Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking.  Both often prevent malware from protecting itself.  If you don’t have one, many people here swear by AVG (it’s free).

    I suggest you also download Ad-Aware 2008 and Spybot S&D (they’re free), install them, update them and run them. If any of the above (or any anti-malware, for that matter) doesn’t seem to be able to run properly or get rid of everything it reports finding, try running it again in Safe Mode.

    Also, turn off System Restore to evict any copies of bad stuff that might be lurking there.  

    To get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking:

    1.Log out and reboot your machine.

    2.When the machine starts the reboot sequence, press the F8 key repeatedly.

    3.Select Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking from the resulting menu.

    4.When the login screen comes up, log in as Administrator.  By default, Administrator has no password.

    5.The machine will continue booting, but the Windows desktop will look different.  

    6.When you're finished doing what you need to do, log out and reboot back into normal mode.

    Note that even if the anti-malware programs get rid of the malware, they may not be able to reverse the effects.  Search the Web for possible fixes.

    Update and run everything regularly, not just when you think you already have malware.

    Good luck.

  2. It certainly sounds like you have been infected with some kind of malware. Unfortunately, if you find one infection, it is highly likely you have another one. A virus, trojan or worm are all different types of infections/malware and there are some great FREE programs that can help you.

    First, clean up (delete) your cookies, temp files and temporary internet files. I prefer to use Ccleaner (available at to do this, rather than the built-in DISK CLEANUP, as I feel it does a much more thorough job - for example, it will clean out the index files on your next reboot.

    If you want to use Disk Cleanup, you can find it if you:

    - Double-Click on My Computer to open it up

    - RIGHT-click on your C: drive

    - Choose PROPERTIES and then click on the DISK CLEANUP button

    - When done, reboot your computer.

    Delete these files daily or run Ccleaner every day right before you shut your computer down.

    2 - You should also have a good anti-virus program to help protect your computer. AVG FREE is an excellent anti-virus program, which can be downloaded from You might also choose Avast or Avira, both also free programs from

    3 -Since NONE of the anti-spyware/anti-adware programs are 100% accurate in finding and removing spyware, you need at least two programs which you will run one after the other, not at the same time.

    There are three excellent free ones:

    --Spybot, Search and Destroy


    --Spyware Blaster

    All are available FREE from

    You will need to download, install, update (and IMMUNIZE in Spybot) and run them, one at a time. Be careful with the NAME of these programs - there are "look-alikes" with very similar names, that are in fact spyware themselves! Reboot after you install each one!

    After this current infection is cleared up, be sure to run both of the above programs at least once a week if you are on the internet frequently and/or like to download music or files.

    NOTE: Some infections prevent your from downloading the above programs. You may have to use a clean computer to download the programs and copy them to a thumb drive or CD. Then transfer the install files to the infected computer and run.

    --Occasionally you will not be able to run these programs without being in SAFE MODE. To get there, reboot your computer and tap the F8 key, repeatedly until a menu comes up. You want to choose SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING.

    4 -You should also have a good firewall to help protect your computer. Zone Alarm makes a totally free version (watch you don't download the 30-day free trial of the paid version). You can download this from the manufacturer at

  3. Ad Aware --

    Spybot S&D --

  4. Scan for any viruses first.

    Go into task manager > process > and identify any unsual programs running in the background and disable them

  5. Alright. I had this, or at least symptoms like it.

    If you know the approximate time that this happened, like down to the hour, you can fix this manually with one piece of software.

    If you know close to the time: (windows XP)

    Go into c:\windows\system32\.

    Go: View -> Arrange Icons by -> Modified

    The offending program will be a .dll file, probably with a completley random name. Find a dll or exe within the time frame that the infection occured.

    If you find a dll or exe that you beleive to be the culprit, make a backup copy of it, but add it to a .rar or .zip archive, so it is unaccessible.

    (**Please note** there may be more than one dll that fits the description, and or is the culprit. archive all the reelative ones.)

    Now, youll probably want to try to delete the offending dll(s), and more than likely it will say "Error: Program being used by another person or program."

    If that happens, you will need Unlocker. It can be downloaded here: ( ) it is safe.

    Now, run unlocker, install and everything, and try to delete again. This time, Unlocker will pop up, showing you want programs are using that dll. It will most likely be Explorer.exe.

    Now, make sure that you have saved any open documents, as this may cause your computer to shut down.

    Hit 'Unlock all', and then try to delete the dll again. It should work, but your computer may shutdown. This should not be anything devastating. you should then be able to access task manager, and eveything should be fine. However. If you did not get all of the dll's that are the virus, they will just split again. They will have funny names, like yuiyuwu.dll or something just as random.

    if you dont no the time close to the hour, try avast scanner, and avg scanner. hopefully they will pick it up.

    I've done this tutorial hurredly, sorry for any spelling errors, and i hope this helps. email me at guitarp_11 through for more info if this doesnt help.

  6. It could be a virus, but if your not seeing any pop up ads or anything like that, then dont worry, it could just be your ram, or it could be you havent updated for a while.

    If you really think its a virus or spyware, download avast home edition (its free) and ad-aware 2008 (also free)

    And run a scan with them. It should remove all viruses and mal ware.

    Also, to prevent viruses, get firefox with "WOT".

    Ive been using these and have NOT GOT A VIRUS SINCE!

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