
Is this a wart, I took a picture?

by Guest67086  |  earlier

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I've had this for over 2 months. It has a black center. Its really water logged right now, its normally flesh colored, not white like it shows in this picture-




  1. yea it is, ive had one before. i did nothing and it ended up staying there for almost a year. what you need to do is go to the doctors and theyll freeze it and then take it out for you. it wont hurt its painless.

  2. Yes, they are painless.  You can get the OTC stuff, and it should fall off.

  3. ask your doctor but it's either that or a bubble is you got burned there or something.

  4. yup looks like one can get over the counter stuff to burn it ..worked great for me  

  5. I ask my mom whose a nurse, and she said yeah it was.

    You'll need to scrub it in the shower and then put wart medicine on it.

    Which you can get at walgreens or CVS.

    Or you can go to the germatologist and have it zapped off which is painless.

    Hope I helped.

  6. probably they can easily be removed with stuff you find around the house like peroxide, apple cider vinegar, duct tape, or you can buy wart medicine. the home remedies and wart medicine save you a trip to the doctor though. be careful not to spead it to yourself and others. if you dont want to spread it to others keep a bandaid on it but then you might get more warts unless you have medicine with the bandaid.

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