
Is this age difference ok or stupid?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 27 and this 18 year old fell in love with me, I don't know what to do and I'm not sure if I should get with her or not. You see I had a brain injury 7 years ago so it's almost as if mentally I'm only 20. In one year I'm going away to college to get my degree but I'm unsure if I should ask her to live with me.




  1. go for it!

  2. Don't put yourself down.  Age is only a number, I don't care what the age difference is as long as you are both legal.  The only thing that matters in a relationship such as this, is common interests and not a huge generation gap.  But these days, nothing is old fashioned anymore.  Old people listen to rap and rock, young people listen to oldies and classic rock.  We have come a long way as people and if you guys can have a great conversation about plenty of things.  Go for it and enjoy life!

  3. aww go for it LOVE is a rare an precious thing never ignore it!!!!!! despite your imperfections in life that wouldnt make you  any less of a lover companion or friend you can possibly be if you are in love with her as much as she is with you go for it ! =)

  4. I don't understand what age has to do with it.  If you like her, go for it.

  5. It's legal but because she is 18 she still hasn't went through the party years, college years, going out to clubs and hanging with friends. So when your ready to take things to another level she may not be and 18 year olds fall in and out of love faster then when you get older. But if she is a mature girl and you love her then you could give it a try, just take it slow and see where it goes.

  6. go for it! it doesnt matter.  look at couples who are 50 and 60.  it doesnt matter then y should it matter now? just goes to show that age is just a number.  good luck!

  7. If you are into her than go for it. If she is hot for you then just go with it.

  8. age is just a number and love is love do what your heart tells you good luck

  9. go for it

  10. Go for it.  She is legal.  If you are both consenting adults, you may as well give it a shot.  Maybe you shouldn't ask her to live with you quite yet though...

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