
Is this all for teenagers? Aren't there any people on here over 30?

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My "age" is the same as Goldie Hawn + 4. (64)




  1. There's alot of older people here.

    However, you'll find that teenagers are the frist to come cry for help and answers from a random outside source.

  2. how about 78 going strong take no medications--enjoy reading questions although the way they are written i sometimes don't have a clue as to what they are saying

  3. Yes, I'm 39

  4. Yes.  I'm 65.

  5. I'm 75, hi there young 'un!

  6. I'm 47, but a "big boy" inside ...

  7. Yes,today i turned 41.

  8. 50 here.

  9. I am over 50 and enjoy being here.

  10. lots of teens go on here...well it is the internet...wouldn`t be without thoose immature teens...33 yrs

  11. I am over 30 and this is my favorite site!

  12. There are many people here over 30 .... I'm 56

  13. i'm 65

  14. Just look at the top contributers and the leader board. Theres a large variety of people here not just teens.

  15. Well, i am 62, and yes i think this is for all ages, teens may be more prevelant on answers, but review all the questions, adults are here, were just out numbered!

  16. teens are taking over evrything. and i love it. cause im one of them =]

  17. There are many mature adults here. Check some of the people who get best answer..LOL...I am 33 by the way.

  18. 36 here....and will add a year in 8 days!!!!!!

    Most of the kids try to act like adults to get some attention they are lacking at home.

    Just go to some of the questions kids normally shy away from and check them out.

    Marriage and family

    Dating (although you can TELL it's a kids question right off!)



    You know, the things that make us adults!!!LOL

  19. im 14

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