
Is this allowed and why did he do it?

by Guest32645  |  earlier

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Are male teachers supposed to adjust your ties for you themselves when your perfectly capable of doing it yourself?

My teacher told me to 'do my tie up' and just as I was about to do it myself...he pulled it up for me.

BTW the reason I wear a tie is cos I'm from the UK and ties are the norm over here.

I don't know why he adjusted it for me when I could do it for myself,teachers dont usually do that.

Why do you think he did it up for me?




  1. Yeah don't overanalyze it. He just wanted to help. And sometimes teachers get impatient. It just happens.

  2. yeah i dont think teachers are supposed to do that

    buit i  wouldnt report it unless he does something else

  3. I guess you didnt like having your tie done up. It was probably done so that you you conform in future.

  4. It depends.  I'm a teacher and I usually just tell them when they need to fix something but I also have 3rd graders so I need to be careful.  He may just care and feel comfortable but if you're not, tell him.  If he has any sense of self-preservation, he wont do it again.

  5. don't think anything of it, yes you could easily have done it yourself but the teacher intervened to assert themselves within the rules and simply reinforced the school dress code by doing that - perhaps his/her way of showing a student they were not willing to tolerate slack untidy dressed students.

    I use to have a headmaster who would hound the playgrounds during lunch hours vigerously reinforcing the school dress code, and girls would not be treated lightly, often shouting at them at the top of his voice screaming 'hey TUCK that SHIRT IN NOW' , often the rebelious naughty ones would roll their eyes and obey the order even if they didn't want to - however he was really friendly and cool but at the same time boy was he punching home the message of 'discipline in the environment' lol.

    It was good you came on and asked this question, I'm hoping all our answers will make you realise it was nothing disrespectful or harsh about your teachers actions.  Highschool experiences are aplenty, and this one is just a tiny droplet in an ocean of memorable experiences you will have in this stage of your academic life.

    all the best


  6. Man, be cool! He was just trying to help you, right?!

    Good people may give us a hand sometimes and it's Okay. You don't have to pay him for this, neither give anything in response. Just say "thank you"  because he seems to be a nice person..not selfish and cold like many other out there!

  7. Are teachers allowed to breath?

  8. Maybe he was trying to be helpful!  Don't overanalyze every little thing; it will drive you crazy!

  9. He's proper g*y and he likes you!!!

  10. I'm a teacher and was taught never to touch the students.

    It's not difficult for accusations/rumours to start and so its best from our viewpoint to leave well alone.

    It could be nothing, just be aware if he tries anything similar again...

    U.K Teacher.

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