
Is this an accident waiting to happen?

by Guest56859  |  earlier

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i was walking down the road....

aaannnnnddd--- help me help me finish it!!!!

whats that? seriously, its darker look at that!


lets go throw this away..

im not done.

*notices im typing everything they say*

chelsea you're stupid.

you aRe stupid.

*coughs like an old man*

*makes monkey face*

i dont know why you--

lets have a conversation, lets see how fast she can type

she doesnt remember anything anyways

why dont you love me?

you fhunyhny bhy0p bgtgblyh.bjknbiorf7th 76tm,7gyhj7y9h;konlfhd...





  1. 1. This makes no sense

    2. Why is this in "celebrities"?

    3. Don't they have anybody monitoring the patients' computer use in the funny farm where you live?

  2. What the F*CK are you talking about?? You have too much time on your hands.

  3. I completely understand you! So, you tell that squishy old-voiced monkey face to NOT throw this away! NOT throw, but be careful!

    And... *whisper* I can type better that the one who doesn't remember anything and loves you: look



    Huh? What's that? You see? 2 seconds. HA! Beat that!!!!!


    And... *whispering* you aRe not stupid. Shh! Don't tell anyone

  4. HEY I'M ONE OF THE GIRL TALKING!! im monkey face one!!

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