
Is this an all around good yugioh deck?

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I've just started playing and I'm trying to go for a dino deck that follows tournament rules.

Here's a list of my cards:


The Dragon Dwelling In The Cave

Reflect Bounder

Sabersaurus (x2)

Princess of Tsurugi

Black Tyranno (x2)


Hyper Hammerhead


Penguin Soldier

Black Stego (x2)

Sonic Bird

Man-Eater Bug (x3)

Super Conductor Tyranno

Summoned Skull

Magician of Faith

D.D Warrior Lady

Ultimate Tyranno

Nobleman-Eater Bug

Wall of Illusion

Dark Driceratops


Horn of the Unicorn

Eternal Rest (x2)

Soul Exchange

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Lighting Vortex

Mystical Space Typhoon

Jurassic World

Swords of Revealing Light

Big Evolution Pill


Raigeki Break (x2)

Negate Attack

Cemetery Bomb

Secret Barrel

Just Desserts (x3)

Dust Tornado

Sakuretsu Armor

Trap Hole (x3)

If there are any cards you think I should have/take out I would really enjoy the advice




  1. Its a good deck

  2. There is too many cards in your deck and it is too slow, try lessening it to the recommended amount, 40-42 cards, in addition, your deck needs to be a purely themed Dinosaur Deck with a few added varieties:


    Sabersaurus (x2)

    Black Tyranno

    Hyper Hammerhead (x2)


    Penguin Soldier

    Black Stego (x2)

    Man-Eater Bug (x2)

    Super Conductor Tyranno

    D.D Warrior Lady

    Ultimate Tyranno

    Nobleman-Eater Bug

    Morphing Jar

    Dark Driceratops


    Soul Exchange

    Heavy Storm

    Monster Reborn

    Lighting Vortex

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Jurassic World (x2)

    Swords of Revealing Light

    Big Evolution Pill

    Brain Control

    Enemy Controller


    Negate Attack

    Solemn Judgment (x2)

    Secret Barrel

    Dust Tornado

    Sakuretsu Armor

    Trap Hole (x2)

    Hope I've helped, bye!

    NOTE: Some of the cards I have taken out are either banned or deemed inappropriate.

  3. if this is a beat down deck i would give it a 5/10 but it's not so i would have to say it's a 3/10... and if you are playing by teh triditional bannlist format then it would be ok but i supose you are not... anyway, what i see that needs to be done to an all around deck is it needs to be a control deck because other wise, there are ways to get aroung the combos you have out on the field so a control deck can stop that. a control deck is a deck that forbits the opponent (or both players) to use any spells, and/or traps and/or monster effects. most of the time you would wan to stop the spells because they are the strongest... so if you want to change it to something that will work like that. i am not the kind of peoson that would tell you what you what you need to take out or what needs to go in on such a masive scail so i will say you need to change your theam and mach youur deck to that theam... what i would do now is look serch up some deck ideas on other sites so you would know what is a good deck and then work your way from there on. after that you can mimic it at first and in the end you can creat your own stile. my monarch deck is in a stile that none other uses because i dont have cyber dragons or D hero Malicious but i still use it fine so you can tell that with a limeted budget you can still make a successful deck if you have the know-hows to do it. anyway try going for a new stile and suprise others you play against so you can win easer since all the common deck types like monarchs and gladator beasts are mostly guarded against. with cards like pulling the rug and royal oppretion so if you have a deck that is new then you can suprise others because they are unprepaired... make sure your deck can win though! a deck like yours needs a small twist and cutting of some other cards so you can have something new and win... sorry i got off topic abit

  4. ok to start off make sure ur deck is alway 40 cards because u want to draw ur best cards. this deck is a good start but i can give u some tips to make it better. ill start with ur traps change ur trap holes to bottomless trap hole. play 3 sakuretsu armor. this isnt a burn deck so take out just desserts, secrt barrel, cemetery bomb. in all decks the traps should always stick to monster destruction. the best one being mirror force, but it is alot of money so cards like sakurestu armor will do the job. so since u want monster destruction for traps the raigeki break is good but only run one. try to avoid cards that make u discard cards. for ur spells i hate soul exchange because u cant attack. brain control is better because u can atk and u can also just take the monster to finsh ur opponent off, and then say u beat them with their own monster. i always do it lol. im looking at ur monsters and i say stick with dinasaurs, dont put card that dont fit like noble man eater bug. this card is bad because when it is fliped u could risk destroying ur own monsters same with man eater bug. if is says regardless of poistion that means ur side of the feild to. since dinasaurs are mostly earth i say u run all earth monster deck. then u can add cards like rock spirit!!!!! i also say load this deck with dinos, add x3 Tyranno Infinity...The original ATK of this card becomes the number of your Dinosaur-Type monsters that are removed from play x 1000. you can use cards like soul release to remove 5 dinos from ur grave and make this level 4 monster have 5000 atk this could be a otk(one turn kill) move. run ur deck around this and u will be the talk of ur neighboor

    hope this helps u.

  5. yes cause black hole cards kik *** ( but then agian i havent even look at my old cards in like 5 years )

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