
Is this an amazing achievement

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It hardly seems possible, let's hope it works.




  1. That was amazing Ern-bad enough loosing one arm but two!

    The surgeons were amazing and one could not thank them enough!

  2. the donor died shorty after surgery, do they mean the surgery to donate he's arms? Or he was in a accident had surgery died then the arms were donated?...

    well at least the farmer can Fish again...

    ha ha Ern too, me too

  3. great news but not for the fish...

  4. All 'armless fun. Sorry, couldn't resist.

  5. Well I'm delighted for him but my stomach lurched big-time reading that. Donor arms? someone else's arms? Knowing my luck I'd still get someones with freckles.

    It IS amazing but those Anti-Rejection drugs are nasty.

    EDIT-Andi C it wasn't me either!!!

  6. I think I need more information!

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