
Is this an angel?

by  |  earlier

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this is a photo of my bedroom mirror, if you look you can see an angel...... what do you think?




  1. Aww

    thats sooo coool

    and cute

    Now you know you have an angel watching you :)

  2. no, it just looks like something got smeared on the mirror

  3. Yes, it is.  I see more than one.  If you look in the left uperhand corner, you can see a face.  But I would say it is an angel

  4. i know as much as you would love to believe it to be an angel, im sorry, but your gonna have to tell your mom to buy you Windex and a rag.

  5. it just looks like sometihng got on the mirror whichis dirtys

  6. what are you looking at?

  7. that's a spirit I'm seeing them sometimes when they want me to see them exactly same misty grayish shape since it's on the mirror i don't know what to say( are you smoker )if not spirits come to you usually for warning if there something bad is going to happened to you cause you're  worth it you have something to accomplish

  8. Looks more like a mermaid sitting on a rock to me.

  9. you must be soo bored!, lol

    looks like you have just used wood cleaner to clean your mirror instead of a glass cleaner

    its that or you have just smeared the dust on the mirror around

    what about it makes you think that its an angel.. please explain!!


  10. No. It looks like you've jizzed all over the mirror and tried to wipe it off.

  11. Yes and you have 3 wishes,,,,

  12. an angel would much rather come to you in your sleep, than be displayed as streaks of dust and dirt.

    Its only a matter of time before they find out what you have done.

  13. Looks to me as though whoever is cleaning your mirror is not very good at cleaning glass. May be next time you may want to suggest that whoever does it uses a nice clean lint free cloth and some good quality glass cleaner.

  14. no, it just looks like your mirror needs cleaning.

  15. Looks like you need to get out the windex.  All that dust is messing with you head.

  16. It is a angel that is watching over you. It is really spooky, you definitely have something there.

  17. Wow if you look at it for a few seconds you can see the details in the face and wings and everything.  YES I SEE IT!

  18. yes

  19. I beleive in demons and angels. That's why i'm in a mental institution.

  20. I think it's time you to clean your mirror ;-)

  21. sorry I cant really see much

  22. Did you notice in it's "hands" is a sword with a hilt that forms a cross? (Wings are toward the sunlight side, hands are wispy form in the center and the sword is a dark shape rising straight our of your "angel's" fists) Also, from one hand is dangling something like a rosary or other chain-type of object. Very interesting. It's head is shrouded with a hood. I don't think this is a "holy" angel, but a spirit that perhaps is protecting or warning you. What were you doing? If I were you, I'd take a serious re-evaluation of my life and make sure you are living the way you should.

    ***Got an email from Sammy B who was worried >>> I reassured him this isn't an "angel of death," but this image looks more like a 14th century knight than an evil spirit. The sword blade is not being held in a threatening manner, as if this man is standing guard.

  23. Hey, it's my second cousin, Goldolnephquin, from the planet Twizznitwazz on the outer spiral arm of the galaxy.

    You can clearly see the resemblance to myself.


  24. Just looks like a dirty mirror to me...

  25. No it dosnt look like an angel. Its probaly just the dust in the camera lense

  26. nope

  27. sorry to disappoint you, but it looks as though something is smeared on the mirror. :/

  28. what do u mean????????????????????????????

  29. oh kool. yeah i think it cud be. well wat els cud it be though...a ghost

  30. If you believe in angels, it's an angel.

    If you believe in UFO's its part of an abduction

    If you are reigious it's the virgin mary

    Whatever you want, I don't care.

    Just try not to fight over it.

  31. I wouldn't say an angel well at least to me it isn't, however, I can definitely see a distorted face with a cloak on and the hood pulled over the head - and what appears to be wings - angels or spirits can form any shape I guess they don't have to be the 'cherub' angel - I definitely am open minded enough to believe there is something there with you - xx
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