
Is this an ear infection or a weird growth to be concerned about?

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I had started to get this weird inflamation in my ear about 6 months after I was diagnosed with IBS. I thought it was just a clogged ear or something like that. But then it started to get worse after 2 weeks and then it became a liquidy substance in my ears. I had it checkd out by the nurse after 1 month of it not goin away. She told me after checkin both ears and throat that she could see a cheesy white substance in my right ear. It sounded like a weird growth to me. Will, it hasn't gotten any better. And now when i clean my ears out w/ a cottom swab, there isn't just wax, but at times a yellowish/white liquid on it. Can anyone tellme what it might be please and how to get rid of it?




  1. go to the doctors and tell him/her about what happening. your ear cannel could be clogged with a lot of wax. or it could be infected and its fluid coming out of your ear. when you have a bad ear infection fluid can come out of your ear.

  2. It sounds like infection and the cheesy substance sounds like candidiasis.  Candida is normally present in most people.  Check with your doctor about this.  You need an otic anti-fungal.

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