
Is this an emergency for my 7 week old?

by  |  earlier

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sorry didnt specify better, i was kinda panicing when i first got on here. he has no fever and he isnt throwing up the whole 4 ounce bottle, maybe an ounce or so is coming up. but not to be gross but he vomit is kinda mucousy. thats why i wondered if it was drainage.




  1. You didn't indicate whether there was fever or not... but you should follow your instincts.  At 5 weeks old after a seemingly normal day, my son "projectile" vomitted a bottle and began to scream.  Then he started to feel warm to me but I couldn't tell if it was fever or because he was worked up.  My husband was working overnight shifts then and I was alone with my baby.  I was so scared that after an hour (at like 10pm) I threw him in the car and went to the ER.  Turned out that he had bacterial meningitis and if I would have waited for his doctor in the morning he probably wouldn't have survived (they only gave him a 30% anyway though.)  After 30 days in the hospital, he came home fine and is almost 3 now, and all I can ever tell anyone to do is to follow your instinct.

    I am not saying it is that serious, but YOU KNOW!  Is it a milk allergy or intolerance or is it worse?

    Good luck.

  2. my son did this. its acid reflux, baby style.  My son did this after every feeding. The dr told me to sit him up for 45min after every feeding. (if he fed before that it was ok). I would still take him in, but definitely nothing MAJOR to worry about!  

  3. might be a stomach flu? My freinds' son just had the same might want to try to give him an ounce or 2 of pedialyte so he doens't get dehydrated!!  

  4. this could be to do with his milk or illness if i was you i would leave phoning the doctor and take him up to the hospital hope hes ok soon

  5. It could be the formula, but you would know by now if it was.  Or it could be the drainage.  Considering it just started at 5:30 I would not go to the hospital.  I would continue and wait for the doctor to answer.  Hang in there I know it's hard, but it's a Monday.  If it's not the drainage it could be a virus and they will help make sure he doesn't get dehydrated.

    Good Luck!

  6. You do not want to take chances with a 7 week old baby. Just to be on the safe side, I suggest you either try contacting your doctor again, show up at his door if you can't reach him on the phone, or go to your local hospital. Even if it's a false alarm or simple indigestion, better safe than sorry. Good luck!

  7. he might be allergic to his formula, check into it soon.

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