
Is this an example of metered rhyming Trigee

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Never let it be said that I asked anyone to try something I hadn't tried too.

My head hurts!

my head hurts.....I try this style

while doing this.....I just might die

do i praise.....It is so good

do I dis.....should I just try

I didn't say it would be good, I just said I tried it too.





  1. Sorry I agree, yes you did try Cheers!!

  2. As they say in the classics (not)

    If at first you don't succeed

    Tri-gee, Tri-gee again

    Then again.......nothing succeeds like a toothless canary.

    You have dond-it well Marvin.

  3. Please don't shoot me with your ray gun. This is wonderful, but not something that I will attempt in the near future. I think I had an acrostic trigee stuffed in a notebook of mine...but as most of my trigee attempts, it was terrible. Ah, well.

  4. It jingles, headache or not, Easier to spot your former happy face

    and hat Kudos!

  5. Love your avatar. You need more dots.

  6. "Hi!",

    It was very good and funny.

    I'm going to get some sleep but I will endevor to write a good meter rhyming trigee today and post it.

    I'm going to have to try and write one with a bit of humor. I love humor and mine lacks that. But I have had a my good morning giggles between you and C.S so It is a wonderful day already.


    Cheers : )

  7. Not only do I have a headache, my ribs hurt!  

    I'm gonna sic Gracie on you for that!

  8. well, you tried. that's better than me!

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