
Is this an excuse for Laker loss?

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too bad that this question will most likely be reported by some bandwagoner who can't handle the truth!




  1. Celtics had the better defense. Period. We had the better offense.  Still I believe that my team will win it all next year! GO LAKERS!

    *EDIT* Lakers OWn Boston...has everyright to have whatever username he wants to have. Leave the guy alone.

  2. Well you have to remember MC and Lakers Own...guy have all sort of excuse for their team getting stumped all over.

    They blamed the refs, Paul Pierce, Bynum for not playing, Gasol for falling down too many times.  They even blame Jordan for Lakers loss.  I just don't know what to say anymore.  LOL.

  3. besides the fact that they did not play well I can not find an excuse

  4. no, the only execuse they have is for being stupid. caz they put Vladimir radomonovei or whatever as a starter. i rather ave Walton as starter. Vlad doesnt do anything except shooting airballs

  5. Thank you man! Thats all they do is make excuses

  6. its not an excuse dude. I just thought of that, i mean whats the excuse for Jordan being 0-6 in the playoffs against the Celtics. Im not makin excuses...I know they lost to a better team. So wtf is your problem???

    EDIT: MY username is not outdated. SO what if I have team spirit, and decide to stick up for my team. You have a problem with that?? Man, it must suck being a detroit fan when you have nothin better to do than to tell people what and what not to believe in. Why dont you concentrate on your crappy @$$ team. You need to get a life dude. Who does this, copy and paste someones question??

    Chris is right. Where is my excuse moron??

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