
Is this an eye problem or is it normal?

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Okay, so I'm only 14 but I sometimes I just don't see as clearly as I usually do, and I also see floaters like for periods of 5 - 15 minutes throughout the day, and that can happen like 0 days out of a month, or like 4 or 5 days out of the month. It's not like I count, I'm just kind of guessing.

But yeah, so at school today my vision was a little blurrier than usual for a couple of hours. And now it's happening again, it's blurry and I keep seeing floaters.

Is this normal or what should I do?




  1. thats is exactly what happened to me. i got my glasses today and trust me, it is a bit annoying at first, but you see much better. i ignored the problem for a YEAR. i finally told my parents and they took me to the eye doc. totally worth it. good luck =]

  2. A recurring tendency to periodic blurring can result from an inadequate supply of the light-sensitive pigment in the eye called rhodopsin, or visual purple, which is composed of vitamin A and protein.  Any light that enters the eyes breaks down part of the visual purple, and the products of this purposeful breakdown set up nerve impulses that tell the brain what the eyes are seeing.  If there is not enough pigment present, a time delay occurs between the time the eyes focus on an object and the time the brain forms an image of it.  This is experienced as a blurring of vision.

    Bits of cellular debris floating within the eye are commonly referred to as floaters.  Because these floaters cast shadows over the retina, the individual sees small spects that move slowly before the eyes, especially in certain lights and against certain backgrounds.

    You need to increase the amount of bright colored fruits and vegetables that you eat or drink (as in home made juices).  Fruits and vegetables such as apricots, asparagus, beet greens, collards, peaches, red peppers, spirulina, papaya, mellon, cantaloupe, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, pumpkin, carrot, purple cabbage, mangoes and other bright colored fruits and vegetables are good.

    If after eating lots of these kinds of foods for a month you still have the problem, then you should go to see an ophthalmologist.

  3. Do you see any flashes? If you see flashes with a lot more all of a sudden floaters (new ones), that could mean your having a retinal detachment, which could make you blind if you wait too long. Or maybe you can be having a vitreous detachment which is not really harmful. Thats when some layer at the back of your eye starts coming off and isnt harmful. But it can cause lots of floaters and may be so much that it blurs your vision.  

    You should really get your eyes checked because if it is a retinal detachment, its really serious and get bad really quick!  I know its harder said than done because when i started getting floaters for the first time I was freaked out but I was also scared to go to the eye doctor! If you wait a day or two and every thing is alright, your probably fine but go to the doctor anyways. However if you notice that your vision suddenly goes dark in a certain area like a black veil, you know its serious and need to go to the hospital immediately because that means your going blind.

  4. ok i will be the most helpful person here cause 1 year ago i shot my eyes with a air gun whice cause blurryness and floaters get to a doctor immedietly this is cause by blood flowing through your eye and reitna so this could cause blindness so i sugesst get to a doctor get eye steriods and youll be ok

  5. Is this normal?

    --No, it is not normal.  (Sometimes happens to me for 1-5 minute, not hours)

    what should I do?

    --Tell your parents to take you to the eye doctor.

    Oh I want to say.... thanks for being the first intelligent 14 year old on Yahoo! Answers!!!!!  Nice grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc!

  6. that is NOT normal you need to tell your parents that you need to go to the eye dr. because your eye sigh gets blurry sometimes, you could even have a detached retina which is caused by blunt force trauma to the head ie- car accident, being hit. or all it could be is too much protein in your eyes some peoples eyes develop more protein than others that can be helped with prescription eye drops

  7. If the floaters are larger than about a dime at arm's length, then at your age that would be somewhat abnormal.   Everybody has tiny floaters that are usually only visible when looking at a bright, uniformly lit area.  If you see them clearly against other backgrounds, that might be worth a visit to an ophthalmologist.

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