
Is this an interesting title?

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12 Things I Will Never Do to My Kids.

The number 12 may change depending on how many chapters I will write. Basically I'm planning the story to be about a girl of 15 and her misfortunes while growing up. She's decided to make a kind of manual for when she has kids and each chapter will start will a portion from the manual.

The first one I'm thinking of goes along the line of this:

#1- Always remember that if you have kids that your stuff is their stuff. Even if you made the money to get the food and t.v. or whatever other things, you are the one who had the kid(s) and they should be able to use the stuff as you do. If they are watching a t.v. program and you want to change the channel do not just grab the remote and change it. You didn't like it at their age and neither will they. You chose to have the kids and take care of them so therefore you must provide for them as they can not do it themselves.

That's just a rough draft kind of thing. So, tell me what you think please.




  1. its interesting, but its a bit to obvious. OBVIOUSLY kids have a right to household things, however lets say a mother has expensicve jewlery and her daughter wants to use it. its her mothers, not hers, so the mother has a right to it.

    also, do you plan on trying to get this book published? if so, i think your going to have to make this much more interesting, adding some jokes or something.

    its a great title though!

  2. I have always wanted to do something like that. It is a really good idea for a book. I always put it off thinking, "Oh when the time comes I'll remember." But you never do.

    I agree with the person who said the title should be more subtle, that gives too much away. But I don't think the story should be about someone going through abuse. I've read a lot of stories like that, and not to say anything about them, but yours is original. Even the little things matter, like what you mentioned.

    I think the best thing is to make this have a storyline. A plot, not just 'chapter one, I won't do this, chapter two, same thing." Have it maybe a 1st person narrative from the point of view of a 15 year old. She goes through her life and writes all the tidbits in a notebook or something similar once she has the idea. Each thing is spurred by an event in her life. It doesn't just have to be something her parents did, it could be teachers, strangers, adults in her neighborhood, friends' parents, etc.

    There should be a reason for her to write these things down, maybe your reason or something else. There has to be a point to what she does. It shouldn't just be a manual-type thing.

    Even, the story doesn't have to revolve around her writings. It could be about her figuring out what kind of person she wants to be as an adult and how she wants to treat kids. It could be about her and her friends, as teenagers, who don't want to forget how it felt to be that age when they get older.

    I think your idea is great and has potential as a book. I would definitely buy it. If you need any more help, ideas, editing, etc. let me know.

  3. It's an interesting title. But, if there is a way, try to shorten it. I feel like long titles are always missing some kind of subtlety to their works.

    And, well, it's also a very interesting book. At least that's what it sounds like.

    But. If you're gonna make a book like that, I think you should have something more captivating. That first excerpt you gave us seems pretty bland. Something that isn't surface level. Something with more depth and feel. Maybe if the girl had a tough childhood, dealing with abuse and stuff. That sounds very interesting, but this? It seems so surface level and grade school.

    Good luck with that though! :]


    And don't lower your standards just because you're a teenager. I'm 15 but I feel like I can rule the world! =P

    Friends think I'm crazy..... -_-" lol.

    But the point is... don't be impatient about these kind of things. Take things slowly. Put your heart and soul into this piece; and I'm sure one day you'll look back into the moment you first felt like doing this, and realize what greatness you'd done. And if you don't want to be like your dad that's fine. Not everyone is blessed with good parents; I can definitely relate.

  4. It's an interesting title but it's quite obvious that you are a teenager, not an adult.  Perhaps you should try to make that less clear?

  5. very interesting, gives your feelings on parents mistakes  

  6. it sounds very interesting. i'd read it. mostly because i like the way this girl thinks. make sure to email it to me when your finished. ^-^

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